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杨颖(), 刘向东, 段豪, 芦治国()
Genetic variation analysis of Cinnamomum japonicum populations based on SLAF-Seq technique
YANG Ying(), LIU Xiangdong, DUAN Hao, LU Zhiguo()

图1. 30份供试种质材料的遗传进化树
橙色(浙江种源) orange(Zhejiang provenance);紫色(云南种源) purple (Yunnan provenance);蓝色(重庆种源) blue(Chongqing provenance);绿色(河南种源) green (Henan provenance);红色(安徽种源) red (Anhui provenance)。

Fig.1. Evolutionary tree of the 30 test materials