南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1983, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (04): 88-99.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1983.04.008

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京林产工业学院林学系
  • 出版日期:1983-12-18 发布日期:1983-08-18


Zhou Xiangquan   

  1. Department of Forestry
  • Online:1983-12-18 Published:1983-08-18

摘要: <正> 共生固氮作用对农林业生产具有重要的经济意义。近几十年来,人们从生物学、生态学、生理生化和遗传学等各方面对根瘤菌进行了更广泛的研究。虽然由于共生体系的复杂性,有关根瘤菌的许多问题还不十分清楚,特别是根瘤菌遗传学的研究还存在较大的困难,但由于分子遗传学的发展和新技术的采用,加速了这方面的研究工作。可以说,整个生物固氮作用的研究现在已处于一个令人非常振奋的阶段(Postgate,1974)。 本文除介绍豆类树种结瘤固氮的一般情况外,重点讨论有关根瘤菌固氮作用遗传学研究方面近年来进展较大的几个问题。到目前为止,利用根瘤菌作材料研究共生固氮作用的遗传及其调节已经进行了不少工作,70年代以来进展更为迅速。人们企图把固氮基因转入不固氮的高等植物,以扩大共生固氮作用的范围;同时对固氮作用进行有效的调控,以提高固氮效率,促进农林业生产的发展。我们相信这一目的是能够达到的。

Abstract: This treatise has not attempted to provide a complete citation of all references; it has concentrated only on citing more recent work and landmark studies in some particular areas.The knowledge of symbiotic associations with tree legumes is less well understood, yet that microorganisms appear on land with higher plants is of major importance in maintaining soil nitrogen in shrub and forest communities; therefore some aspects of the study of legume nitrogen fixation, with the tree legumes in particular, have been discussed in this treatise. Within the legumes, however, the Caesalpiniaceae are largely unnodulated, while the Papilionaceae and Mimosaceae are mostly nodulated.The major emphasis in the present review is laid on Rhizobium genetics researches in the past two decades, in which there wasa rapid expansion of interest and publication in this field. Many of the current concepts have been discussed in this article. Despite the considerable number of publications concerning genetics of Rhizobium appearing during the past decades, our knowledge of the inheritance factors controlling symbiotic ability of Rhizobium is still quite limited.There are also several reviews concerning more detailed information on "bac-teroids" and nitrogen fixation of Rhizobium in a free living state in this treatise.