南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2009, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (02): 47-.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2009.02.012

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  1. 山东农业大学林学院,山东泰安271018
  • 出版日期:2009-04-18 发布日期:2009-04-18
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2007-11-30修回日期:2008-06-16基金项目:山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金资助项目(2004BS06003);山东农业大学博士基金资助项目(23215)作者简介:郑林(1981—),硕士生。*臧德奎(通讯作者),教授,研究方向为园林植物品种分类。Email: zangdk@sdau.edu.cn引文格式:郑林,陈红,郭先锋,等. 木瓜属(Chaenomeles)栽培品种与近缘种的数量分类[J]. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版,2009,33(2):47-50.

Numerical taxonomy of cultivars and their related wild species in the genus Chaenomeles

ZHENG Lin, CHEN Hong, GUO Xianfeng, ZANG Dekui*   

  1. Forestry College, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an 271018, China
  • Online:2009-04-18 Published:2009-04-18

摘要: 选取木瓜属(Chaenomeles)18个栽培品种和4个近缘种的24个形态学性状,利用SPSS10.0软件进行聚类分析,以探讨品种间的亲缘关系。Q型聚类分析显示供试样本可分为2类:木瓜和‘豆青’自成一类,与其他种类和品种关系疏远;其余种类和品种聚合成一类。而第2类分为4个亚类,贴梗海棠、木瓜海棠、倭海棠以及5个杂交品种分别聚合。根据聚类结果,‘猩红与金黄’和‘碧雪’等品种的分类地位值得进一步探讨。数量分类结果能够反映品种之间的亲缘关系。R型聚类结果表明,各分类性状之间没有明显的逻辑关系,24个形态学性状对品种的演化具有较独立的意义。主成分分析表明,前6个主成分的累计贡献率达85.9%,根据其与性状间的相关性可知,影响力较大的性状有花径、花梗颜色、花瓣形状、花瓣宽、瓣爪长、幼叶颜色、花托和果实形状、重瓣性和花瓣数目等。

Abstract: Based on twentyfour morphological characteristics, eighteen cultivars and four related wild species of flowering quince (Chaenomeles) were investigated systematically and analyzed by cluster analysis with SPSS10.0 program in order to determine their relationships. The Qcluster analysis showed that the twentytwo specimen were classified into two groups. The first group contained C.sinensis and ‘Douqing’, and the others were categorized into another group, reflecting the alienation between C. sinensis and the other species; the second group could be divided into four subgroups, and every cultivar could be categorized into the right species. Cultivars ‘Crimson and Gold’ and ‘Bixue’, however, should be transferred into C. speciosa and C. japonica respectively. The differences among cultivars in different species of Chaenomeles were significant with a high level of diversity. The numerical taxonomic result could reflect cultivar relationships. According to Rcluster analysis, the selection of testing characteristics was correct, and no characteristics had obvious logical relationship with one another. The twentyfour morphological characteristics had independent effect on the cultivar evolution. The principal component analysis showed that the 24 characteristics were integrated into 6 principal components and their accumulative contributor ratio amounted to 85.9%, and some major discriminating characteristics were selected as flower diameter, pedicel color, petal shape, petal width, petal claw length, young leaf color, shapes of receptacle and fruit, double flower and petal number, etc.
