南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 84-92.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202006056
LIAO Yining(), GUO Sujuan*(
), WANG Fangfang, MA Yali, LIU Yabin
GUO Sujuan
【目的】 板栗是我国大力发展的木本粮食树种,结合无机肥速效性与有机肥持久性的有机-无机肥配合施用,对培肥土壤、促进根系生长能起到重要作用。探讨有机-无机肥配施对板栗园土壤肥力及其根系功能性状的影响,以期为板栗的科学合理施肥提供依据。【方法】 以河北迁西县8 年生板栗 ‘燕山早丰’(Castanea mollissima ‘Yanshanzaofeng’)为对象,采用单因素随机区组试验设计,按质量占比设置6个处理: ①100%无机肥(C1),②75%无机肥+25%有机肥(C0.75O0.25),③50%无机肥+50%有机肥(C0.5O0.5),④25%无机肥+75%有机肥(C0.25O0.75),⑤100%有机肥(O1),⑥不施肥(CK),采用连续根钻法采集0~20、≥20~40 cm土层土样和根样,测定分析土壤理化性状及根系功能性状等指标。【结果】 ①各处理不同程度地影响土壤理化性状。O1处理0~40 cm土层平均有机碳含量最高(5.97 g/kg),0~20 cm土层C1处理全氮含量最大(1.33 g/kg),但以有机-无机肥配施C0.25O0.75处理对土壤理化性状改善具有显著促进作用(P<0.05)。
廖逸宁,郭素娟,王芳芳,等. 有机-无机肥配施对板栗园土壤肥力及根系功能性状的影响[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 45(5): 84-92.
LIAO Yining, GUO Sujuan, WANG Fangfang, MA Yali, LIU Yabin. Effects of combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers on soil fertility and root functional traits in chestnut orchards[J].Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Science Edition), 2021, 45(5): 84-92.DOI: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202006056.
土层深度/ cm soil thickness | pH | 容重/ (g·cm-3) soil bulk density | 总孔隙度/ % soil total porosity | 有机碳含量/ (g·kg-1) organic carbon content | 碱解氮含量/ (mg·kg-1) alkaline nitrogen content | 有效磷含量/ (mg·kg-1) available phosphorus content | 速效钾含量/ (mg·kg-1) available potassium content | 全氮含量/ (g·kg-1) total nitrogen content | 全磷含量/ (g·kg-1) total phosphorus content | 全钾含量/ (g·kg-1) total potassium content |
0~20 | 6.82 | 1.39 | 47.60 | 3.71 | 50.00 | 22.87 | 144.81 | 0.83 | 0.66 | 9.29 |
≥20~40 | 6.79 | 1.32 | 50.33 | 4.17 | 42.48 | 17.43 | 136.67 | 0.76 | 0.55 | 8.56 |
处理 treatment | 容重/(g·cm-3) soil bulk density | 总孔隙度/% soil total porosity | 含水率/% soil moisture content | ||||
0~20 cm | ≥20~40 cm | 0~20 cm | ≥20~40 cm | 0~20 cm | ≥20~40 cm | ||
C1 | 1.32±0.02 a | 1.36±0.06 a | 50.19±2.36 b | 48.13±0.75 b | 16.35±1.00 bc | 17.53±0.56 cd | |
C0.75O0.25 | 1.26±0.04 b | 1.30±0.01 ab | 51.94±0.38 ab | 50.98±1.57 ab | 18.20±0.50 a | 18.70±0.50 a | |
C0.5O0.5 | 1.25±0.02 b | 1.27±0.02 ab | 52.88±0.75 a | 52.03±0.75 ab | 17.03±0.81 bc | 18.05±1.00 bc | |
C0.25O0.75 | 1.20±0.01 b | 1.25±0.01 b | 54.83±0.38 a | 52.59±0.22 a | 18.52±0.42 a | 19.12±0.58 a | |
O1 | 1.25±0.05 b | 1.26±0.13 ab | 52.95±4.72 a | 52.46±1.00 ab | 16.81±0.82 bc | 17.82±0.13 cd | |
CK | 1.37±0.03 a | 1.39±0.06 a | 49.31±2.18 b | 48.43±1.09 b | 16.04±0.30 bc | 17.02±0.08 bcd |
板栗林地土壤理化性状及根系指标主成分负荷分布 径级diameter class Ⅰ.0~1 mm;Ⅱ.≥1~2 mm;Ⅲ.≥2~5 mm;LR.根长占比 root length ratio;SR.根表面积占比 root surface area ratio;VR.根体积占比 root volume ratio;RLD.细根根长密度 root length density;RSD.细根表面积密度 root surface area density;RVD.细根体积密度 root volume density;RBD.细根生物量密度 root biobass density;SRL.细根比根长 specific root length;SOC.土壤有机碳含量 soil organic carbon content;STN.土壤全氮含量 soil total nitrogen content;STP.土壤总孔隙度 soil total porosity;SBD.土壤容重 soil bulk density;SWC.土壤含水率 soil moisture content;SAN.土壤碱解氮含量 soil alkaline nitrogen content;SAP.土壤有效磷含量 soil available phosphorus content;SAK.土壤速效钾含量 soil available potassium content;C/N.土壤碳氮质量比 mass ratio of soil carbon to nitrogen。"
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