南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 145-155.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202007003
季艳红1(), 潘平平1, 窦全琴2,*(
), 谢寅峰1,*(
JI Yanhong1(), PAN Pingping1, DOU Quanqin2,*(
), XIE Yinfeng1,*(
DOU Quanqin,XIE Yinfeng
【目的】探讨添加不同配比的泥炭替代基质如菌渣或醋糟等组成的混合基质处理对薄壳山核桃(Carya illinoinensis)容器苗生长以及叶绿素荧光特性的影响,筛选适宜苗木生长的低成本配方基质。【方法】以薄壳山核桃‘绍兴’子代1年生容器苗为材料,设置园土、泥炭、醋糟体积比为4:3:3(A1)、4:2:4(A2)、4:1:5(A3)和园土、泥炭、菌渣体积比为4:3:3(B1)、4:2:4(B2)、4:1:5(B3)配方,园土为对照(CK),共7个处理,分别测定苗高、地径和叶绿素荧光参数等指标,分析不同配比的基质处理下对薄壳山核桃容器苗生长与荧光特性的影响。【结果】不同配比的泥炭替代基质处理下苗木生长指标差异显著,添加菌渣、醋糟较园土均可降低基质容重,提高基质的通气孔隙度,增加有机质含量等,其中添加菌渣的基质配方有利于薄壳山核桃幼苗的生长,且以B3处理效果最佳。该处理苗木的苗高、地径以及叶片各项叶绿素荧光参数均显著高于对照,其中苗高、地径分别比对照增加了65%和73%。【结论】综合苗木的各项指标并考虑各项成本,减少泥炭用量,以园土、泥炭、菌渣体积比4:1:5低成本混配基质适于薄壳山核桃容器苗生长,提高苗木光能利用效率,且育苗成本较低,利于生产推广应用。
季艳红,潘平平,窦全琴,等. 不同泥炭替代基质对薄壳山核桃幼苗生长及叶绿素荧光特性的影响[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 46(1): 145-155.
JI Yanhong, PAN Pingping, DOU Quanqin, XIE Yinfeng. Effect of fungus-residue and other matrix formulations on growth and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of shelled walnut seedlings[J].Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Science Edition), 2022, 46(1): 145-155.DOI: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202007003.
处理 treatment | 基质含水率/% matrix water content | 基质容重/ (g·cm-3) matrix density | 最大持水率/% maximum water holding capacity | 最小持水率/% minimum field capacity | 基质通气孔隙度/% matrix ventilation porosity |
A1 | 61.26±3.00 aB | 0.65±0.090 aAB | 98.13±6.00 bCD | 59.86±13.00 bB | 23.02±12.00 bB |
A2 | 50.86±3 00 bCD | 0.64±0.060 aAB | 110.66±18.00 abBC | 67.49±6.00 abB | 27.32±6.00 abAB |
A3 | 51.45±9.00 bBCD | 0.60±0.120 aB | 124.44±22.00 aB | 71.60±13.00 aAB | 33.13±11.00 aA |
B1 | 77.92±4.00 aA | 0.75±0.030 aAB | 84.37±12.00 cDE | 59.36±8.00 bB | 22.73±7.00 bB |
B2 | 48.55±9.00 cDE | 0.73±0.100 aAB | 128.93±3.00 bB | 68.47±5.00 bB | 32.84±7.00 aA |
B3 | 59.12±5.00 bBC | 0.69±0.008 aAB | 176.79±5.00 aA | 83.35±4.00 aA | 35.65±4.00 aA |
CK | 40.52±2.00 E | 0.81±0.037 A | 69.74±3.00 E | 42.40±1.00 C | 13.43±2.00 C |
处理 treatment | 有机质质量分数/% organic matter content | pH | 全氮质量分数/% total nitrogen content | 速效钾含量/ (mg·kg-1) soil potassium | 有效磷含量/ (mg·kg-1) available phosphorus |
A1 | 8.09±0.500 aAB | 6.63±0.009 aABC | 0.28±0.003 aB | 215.67±2.00 aA | 58.19±0.20 bC |
A2 | 7.82±0.400 aB | 6.53±0.005 abBCD | 0.26±0.003 bC | 184.33±3.00 bC | 67.18±3.00 bB |
A3 | 6.24±0.200 bC | 6.45±0.009 bCD | 0.22±0.001 cD | 154.67±1.00 cE | 69.38±3.00 bB |
B1 | 8.69±0.500 aAB | 6.71±0.090 aAB | 0.26±0.005 cC | 201.67±3.00 aB | 58.74±0.40 bC |
B2 | 9.34±0.050 aA | 6.65±0.020 aABC | 0.30±0.003 aA | 170.67±2.00 bD | 85.82±2.00 aA |
B3 | 6.49±0.100 bC | 6.35±0.004 bD | 0.28±0.005 aB | 166.00±2.00 bD | 86.48±0.70 aA |
CK | 4.69±0.400 D | 6.81±0.020 A | 0.18±0.005 E | 143.30±2.00 F | 43.94±0.50 D |
处理 treatment | 6月 June | 7月 July | 8月 August | 9月 September |
A1 | 0.780±0.010 bD | 0.770±0.009 bD | 0.810±0.007 aAB | 0.800±0.006 aB |
A2 | 0.797±0.002 aC | 0.780±0.002 aCD | 0.810±0.006 aAB | 0.800±0.004 aB |
A3 | 0.795±0.009 aC | 0.790±0.003 aBC | 0.821±0.009 aA | 0.801±0.004 aB |
B1 | 0.805±0.006 bBC | 0.790±0.006 bBC | 0.813±0.008 aAB | 0.790±0.009 bB |
B2 | 0.811±0.007 bAB | 0.793±0.005 bB | 0.810±0.005 aAB | 0.799±0.006 bB |
B3 | 0.820±0.003 aA | 0.810±0.009 aA | 0.817±0.009 aAB | 0.814±0.007 aA |
CK | 0.778±0.005 D | 0.773±0.006 D | 0.803±0.006 B | 0.796±0.008 B |
处理 treatment | 6月 June | 7月 July | 8月 August | 9月 September |
A1 | 3.83±0.15 aC | 3.68±0.12 bBC | 4.21±0.09 bD | 4.67±0.16 aA |
A2 | 4.02±0.04 aBC | 3.96±0.14 aA | 4.45±0.08 aC | 3.57±0.14 cD |
A3 | 3.91±0.18 aC | 3.50±0.18 bC | 4.47±0.04 aC | 4.24±0.16 bB |
B1 | 4.24±0.10 aAB | 3.83±0.11 aAB | 4.67±0.19 bB | 3.49±0.12 cDE |
B2 | 4.37±0.10 aA | 4.01±0.16 aA | 4.86±0.11 aA | 3.95±0.13 bC |
B3 | 4.28±0.11 aA | 3.87±0.15 aAB | 4.34±0.13 cCD | 4.22±0.08 aB |
CK | 3.45±0.10 D | 3.22±0.09 D | 3.95±0.11 E | 3.36±0.04 E |
处理 treatment | 6月 June | 7月 July | 8月 August | 9月 September |
A1 | 0.552±0.010 aB | 0.487±0.013 bB | 0.581±0.00 5bC | 0.561±0.008 aB |
A2 | 0.536±0.005 aBC | 0.500±0.010 bB | 0.576±0.014 bC | 0.574±0.011 aAB |
A3 | 0.537±0.006 aBC | 0.522±0.010 aA | 0.609±0.006 aAB | 0.566±0.015 aAB |
B1 | 0.523±0.014 bC | 0.496±0.010 aB | 0.592±0.011 bBC | 0.569±0.007 aAB |
B2 | 0.607±0.013 aA | 0.497±0.006 aB | 0.601±0.007 bB | 0.571±0.012 aAB |
B3 | 0.603±0.013 aA | 0.495±0.006 aB | 0.622±0.014 aA | 0.581±0.012 aA |
CK | 0.445±0.009 D | 0.424±0.005 C | 0.519±0.011 D | 0.511±0.002 C |
处理 treatment | 6月 June | 7月 July | 8月 August | 9月 September |
A1 | 0.345±0.012 bB | 0.368±0.011 bC | 0.374±0.011 bC | 0.364±0.009 bB |
A2 | 0.373±0.010 aA | 0.388±0.008 aB | 0.392±0.008 aB | 0.388±0.015 aA |
A3 | 0.362±0.004 aA | 0.399±0.003 aB | 0.405±0.010 aB | 0.384±0.009 aA |
B1 | 0.369±0.011 aA | 0.391±0.005 bB | 0.401±0.008 bB | 0.393±0.012 aA |
B2 | 0.376±0.011 aA | 0.394±0.012 bB | 0.405±0.010 bB | 0.381±0.006 bA |
B3 | 0.367±0.006 aA | 0.419±0.008 aA | 0.423±0.007 aA | 0.364±0.004 cB |
CK | 0.333±0.013 B | 0.356±0.011 C | 0.368±0.009 C | 0.346±0.010 C |
处理 treatment | 6月 June | 7月 July | 8月 August | 9月 September |
A1 | 0.714±0.013 bD | 0.757±0.010 cD | 0.649±0.005 cE | 0.626±0.008 cC |
A2 | 0.726±0.015 bCD | 0.789±0.007 bC | 0.707±0.010 bB | 0.671±0.009 aA |
A3 | 0.748±0.009 aAB | 0.826±0.007 aB | 0.739±0.009 aA | 0.655±0.011 bAB |
B1 | 0.736±0.005 bBC | 0.787±0.010 cC | 0.669±0.013 bDE | 0.642±0.011 bBC |
B2 | 0.755±0.013 abAB | 0.833±0.010 bB | 0.691±0.012 aBC | 0.659±0.004 aAB |
B3 | 0.762±0.010 aA | 0.867±0.010 aA | 0.684±0.009 abCD | 0.651±0.012 abB |
CK | 0.651±0.009 E | 0.683±0.010 E | 0.661±0.012 E | 0.602±0.014 D |
处理 treatment | 6月 June | 7月 July | 8月 August | 9月 September |
A1 | 2.740±0.059 aB | 2.413±0.063 aB | 2.241±0.076 aB | 2.321±0.072 aB |
A2 | 2.566±0.078 bCD | 2.323±0.072 aBCD | 2.121±0.057 bC | 2.203±0.075 bC |
A3 | 2.472±0.019 cDE | 2.208±0.075 bD | 2.015±0.077 cCD | 2.15±0.062 bCD |
B1 | 2.624±0.038 aC | 2.368±0.059 aBC | 2.084±0.049 aC | 2.123±0.033 aCDE |
B2 | 2.453±0.054 bEF | 2.281±0.044 aCD | 1.915±0.069 bD | 2.053±0.050 aE |
B3 | 2.361±0.021 cF | 1.889±0.073 bE | 1.738±0.059 cE | 2.119±0.076 aDE |
CK | 3.210±0.076 A | 2.971±0.078 A | 2.353±0.052 A | 2.555±0.067 A |
指标 index | 苗高 seedling height | 地径 ground diameter | 土壤 含水率 soil moisture constant | 最大 持水率 greatest capacity | 通气孔 隙度 aeration porosity | 有机质含量 organic matter content | 速效钾含量 soil potassium content | 有效磷含量 available phosphorus content |
苗高seedling height | 1.00 | |||||||
地径ground diameter | 0.96** | 1.00 | ||||||
土壤含水率soil moisture constant | 0.34 | 0.39 | 1.00 | |||||
最大持水率greatest capacity | 0.76* | 0.77* | 0.00 | 1.00 | ||||
通气孔隙度aeration porosity | 0.47 | 0.59 | 0.76* | 0.47 | 1.00 | |||
有机质含量organic matter content | 0.77* | 0.54 | 0.51 | 0.08 | 0.33 | 1.00 | ||
速效钾含量soil potassium content | 0.50 | 0.39 | -0.15 | 0.39 | 0.30 | 0.50 | 1.00 | |
有效磷含量 available phosphorus content | 0.26 | 0.05 | -0.59 | 0.25 | -0.27 | 0.30 | 0.77* | 1.00 |
变量 variable | 苗高 seedling height | 地径 ground diameter | Fv/Fm | Fv/F0 | Fv'/Fm' | | qP | NPQ |
苗高 seedling height | 1.00 | |||||||
地径 ground diameter | 0.96** | 1.00 | ||||||
Fv/Fm | 0.26 | 0.26 | 1.00 | |||||
Fv/F0 | 0.32 | 0.23 | 0.44 | 1.00 | ||||
Fv'/Fm' | 0.80* | 0.77* | 0.12 | 0.44 | 1.00 | |||
| 0.76* | 0.75* | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.86* | 1.00 | ||
qP | 0.75* | 0.80* | 0.09 | 0.27 | 0.94** | 0.96** | 1.00 | |
NPQ | -0.86* | -0.88** | -0.33 | -0.41 | -0.95** | -0.88** | -0.95** | 1.00 |
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