南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (3): 199-206.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202204058

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


赵金满(), 韩馨悦, 程瑞明, 张志东*()   

  1. 河北农业大学林学院,河北省林木种质资源与森林保护重点实验室,河北 保定 071000
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-25 修回日期:2023-08-31 出版日期:2024-05-30 发布日期:2024-06-14
  • 作者简介:赵金满(zhaojinman1003@163.com)。
  • 基金资助:
    河北省重点研发计划(22326803D);中央财政林业和草原科技推广示范项目(冀 TG[2022]018)

Health assessment of Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantations in Saihanba Nature Reserve

ZHAO Jinman(), HAN Xinyue, CHENG Ruiming, ZHANG Zhidong*()   

  1. Hebei Province Key Laboratory of Forest Trees Germplasm Resources and Forest Protection, College of Forestry, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, China
  • Received:2022-04-25 Revised:2023-08-31 Online:2024-05-30 Published:2024-06-14


【目的】 了解自然保护区人工林健康状况,指导森林经营和保护区建设。【方法】 以河北省塞罕坝自然保护区华北落叶松(Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii)和樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica)人工林为研究对象,基于分层随机取样法,设置36块样地,选取生产力、林分结构、物种多样性、土壤质量和稳定性等5个方面17个指标,建立森林健康评价指标体系。运用主成分分析法计算森林健康指数、K均值聚类法划分森林健康等级、Fisher判别分析法验证聚类结果的准确性。【结果】 研究区森林健康指数范围在-1.02~1.46;土壤质量和林分结构是影响研究区森林健康的最主要因素;森林健康等级所占面积比例从大到小依次为:中健康(50%)>不健康(25%)>亚健康(19%)>健康(6%);在中龄林(20~30 a)和近熟林(>30 a)中,华北落叶松林健康状况均优于樟子松林;随着林分密度的增加,华北落叶松林和樟子松林的森林健康指数呈降低趋势。【结论】 塞罕坝自然保护区人工林主要处于中健康和不健康状态,亟须采取有效经营活动改善森林健康状态。

关键词: 森林健康, 人工林, 主成分分析, 华北落叶松, 樟子松, 塞罕坝自然保护区


【Objective】 The study aimed to understand the health status of plantations in nature reserves for forest management and the construction of nature reserves. 【Method】 A total of 36 sample plots were surveyed in the pure Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantations in the Saihanba Nature Reserve of Hebei Province using the stratified random sampling method. A total of 17 indicators, including the five aspects of productivity, stand structure, species diversity, soil quality, and stability, were selected to establish an indicator system for assessing forest health. The forest health index was calculated by principal component analysis, and the forest health grades were classified using the K-means clustering method. The accuracy of the clustering results was verified by Fisher’s discriminant analysis. 【Result】 The forest health index of the study area ranged between -1.02 and 1.46. The soil quality and stand structure were the most important indicators that influenced forest health in the study area. The proportionate areas were in the following order: mid-health (50%) > unhealthy (25%) > sub-health (19%) > healthy (6%). The health status of L. gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii forests was better than that of P. sylvestris var. mongolica forests for middle-aged (20-30 a) and near-mature (> 30 a) stands. The forest health indices of L. gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii and P. sylvestris var. mongolica forests tended to decrease with increasing stand density. 【Conclusion】 The plantations in the Saihanba Nature Reserve were primarily in the mid-health and non-health states. Therefore, the findings revealed that effective management strategies are urgently necessary for improving forest health in the study area.

Key words: forest health, plantation, principal component analysis, Larix gmelinii var. prinoipis-rupprechtii, Prinus sylvestris var. mongolica, Saihanba Nature Reserve
