南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (6): 138-144.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202211010

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


王思路1(), 鲁长虎1,*(), 刘萌萌1, 陈泰宇1, 李成之2   

  1. 1.南京林业大学生态与环境学院,江苏 南京 210037
    2.泗洪洪泽湖湿地国家级自然保护区管理处,江苏 宿迁 223900
  • 收稿日期:2022-11-05 修回日期:2023-08-11 出版日期:2024-11-30 发布日期:2024-12-10
  • 通讯作者: *鲁长虎(luchanghu@njfu.com.cn),教授。
  • 作者简介:


  • 基金资助:

Species composition and seasonal dynamics of shorebirds during anti-seasonal alterations in the water levels of Hongze Lake Wetland National Nature Reserve, Sihong County, Jiangsu Province

WANG Silu1(), LU Changhu1,*(), LIU Mengmeng1, CHEN Taiyu1, LI Chengzhi2   

  1. 1. College of Ecology and the Environment, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
    2. Sihong Hongze Lake Wetland National Nature Reserve Management Office in Jiangsu Province, Suqian 223900, China
  • Received:2022-11-05 Revised:2023-08-11 Online:2024-11-30 Published:2024-12-10


【目的】近年来,洪泽湖湿地保护区出现与淮河流域“枯、丰、平水期”的季节性水位变化规律相反的“冬春高、夏季低”的反季相水位特征,使水鸟栖息环境更加复杂。研究旨在掌握洪泽湖水位变化条件下鸻鹬类水鸟的资源动态,分析洪泽湖湿地保护区鸻鹬类水鸟数量较少的原因,为湿地保护区水鸟多样性保护提供理论参考。【方法】2020年7月—2021年6月,采用样线法和样点法对保护区的鸻鹬类水鸟进行逐月调查,分析鸻鹬类的物种组成以及季节动态,并对数量大于10只的鸻鹬类进行两两配对的种间数量随时间变化的种间相关性分析。【结果】反季相水位条件下洪泽湖湿地保护区鸻鹬类水鸟全年数量总体很少,但具有比较丰富的种类多样性。洪泽湖湿地保护区全年共记录到鸻鹬类水鸟22种,隶属于1目6科。其中,红脚鹬(Tringa totanus)、水雉(Hydrophasianus chirurgus)、灰头麦鸡(Vanellus cinereus)、黑翅长脚鹬(Himantopus himantopus)和鹤鹬(T. erythropus)5种水鸟为优势种。鸻鹬类的季节变化比较明显,春季的鸻鹬类种类和数量最多;鸻鹬类的多样性指数和均匀度指数在春、秋两季相对较高。对12种鸻鹬类数量随月份变化的种间相关性检验表明,有33对呈现正相关,其中有7对呈显著或极显著相关,显示出较为明显的种间吸引作用。【结论】洪泽湖湿地保护区因“南水北调”等水利工程导致的反季相水位特征和浅滩缺少可能是限制该区域鸻鹬类数量的主要原因;另外“退渔还湿”工程实施后,保护区养殖塘退为湖面,不适合鸻鹬类栖息及觅食,也是导致保护区内鸻鹬类数量较少的重要原因。

关键词: 鸻鹬类, 水鸟多样性, 种间相关性, 水位变化, 江苏泗洪洪泽湖湿地保护区


【Objective】The Hongze Lake Wetland National Nature Reserve, Sihong, Jiangsu, located northwest of Hongze Lake, is an important stopover location and wintering place for migratory waterbirds. In recent years, due to the influence of water conservancy projects and other anthropogenic control measures, the Hongze Lake Wetland National Nature Reserve is characterized by the opposing seasonal hydrological pattern of “high water levels in winter and spring and low water levels in summer”. This contrasts with the seasonal pattern of “dry, abundant, and flat water stage” in the Huaihe River basin, and thus complicates the environmental habitat of waterbirds. This study aimed to elucidate the resource status of shorebirds during alterations in the water levels of Hongze Lake, and provide a theoretical basis for improving the protection of wetland waterbird diversity in the reserve.【Method】The shorebirds in the nature reserve were surveyed on a monthly basis from July 2020 to June 2021 with line transects and point count surveys. The community composition and seasonal dynamics were analyzed, and the interspecific correlations between two pairs of shorebirds with numbers greater than 10 were determined over time.【Result】The overall year-round population abundance of plovers in the Hongze Lake Reserve during the anti-seasonal water levels was very low; however, their species diversity was relatively high. A total of 22 species of shorebirds belonging to one order and six families were observed in the reserve, of which five shorebird species, namely, Tringa tetanus, Hydrophasianus chirurgus, Vanellus cinereum, Himantopus himantopus and T. erythropus, were found to be dominant. There were obvious seasonal changes in the community composition and diversity of shorebirds in the reserve. The number of species and abundance were highest in spring, and the diversity and evenness indices of the shorebirds were relatively higher in both spring and autumn. Determination of the inter-species correlation of 12 species in terms of abundance revealed a positive correlation for 33 species pairs, and a significant or highly significant correlation for seven species pairs, indicating the occurrence of interspecific attraction.【Conclusion】The results demonstrated that the anti-seasonal water levels, caused by the South to North Water Diversion project, could be the primary factor limiting the number of shorebirds in Sihong Hongze Lake Wetland National Nature Reserve. Additionally, the implementation of fishery and wetland restoration projects resulted in the conversion of farming ponds in the reserve to lake areas that are unsuitable for foraging by plovers, and consequently reduced the number of plovers in the reserve.

Key words: shorebirds, waterbirds species diversity, interspecific correlation, changing water levels, Hongze Lake Wetland Nature Reserve, Sihong County, Jiangsu Province
