南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2025, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (1): 201-209.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202306025

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨金来1,2(), 鲜权3, 梁明兰3, 郑炯4, 陈建5, 刘胜辉1, 吴良如1,2,*()   

  1. 1.国家林业和草原局竹子研究开发中心,浙江省竹子高效加工重点实验室,竹林生态与资源利用国家林业和草原局重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310012
    2.福建省协同创新院竹产业(建瓯)分院,福建 建瓯 353100
    3.重庆市南川区林业局,重庆 408400
    4.西南大学食品科学学院,重庆 400715
    5.重庆特珍食品有限公司,重庆 408400
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-29 修回日期:2023-10-09 出版日期:2025-01-30 发布日期:2025-01-21
  • 通讯作者: * 吴良如 (bamshoots@163.com),研究员。
  • 作者简介:

    杨金来 (5491936@163.com),副研究员。

  • 基金资助:

Quality dynamics of fresh Chimonobambusa utilis bamboo shoots under the liquid nitrogen quick-frozen storage condition

YANG Jinlai1,2(), XIAN Quan3, LIANG Minglan3, ZHENG Jiong4, CHEN Jian5, LIU Shenghui1, WU Liangru1,2,*()   

  1. 1. China National Bamboo Research Center, Key Laboratory of High Efficient Processing of Bamboo of Zhejiang Province, Key Laboratory of State Forestry and Grassland Administration on Bamboo Forest Ecology and Resource Utilization, Hangzhou 310012, China
    2. Bamboo Industry (Jian’ou) Branch, Fujian Provincial Collaborative Innovation Institute, Jian’ou 353100, China
    3. Nanchuan District Forestry Bureau of Chongqing, Chongqing 408400, China
    4. College of Food Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
    5. Chongqing Tezhen Food Co., Ltd, Chongqing 408400, China
  • Received:2023-06-29 Revised:2023-10-09 Online:2025-01-30 Published:2025-01-21


【目的】以新鲜金佛山方竹(Chimonobambusa utilis)笋为原料,采用液氮速冻—真空包装—冻藏保鲜技术冻藏速冻方竹笋,考察贮藏过程中其硬度、色泽、营养品质和酶活的变化,旨在延长方竹笋的冻藏保鲜时间,为方竹笋液氮速冻的工业化生产与品质控制提供理论支撑。【方法】以带壳方竹笋为研究对象,经液氮速冻、真空包装得到速冻方竹笋,在0~180 d冻藏(-18 ℃)过程中,考察其硬度、色泽、蛋白质及氨基酸、粗纤维、总糖、脂肪、维生素C、硒等主要品质指标,分析贮藏时间对速冻方竹笋过氧化物酶(POD)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)等酶活性的影响。【结果】冻藏时间的延长对方竹笋的硬度和色泽有一定影响,冻藏时间≥90 d时,速冻方竹笋的硬度有所增加,而速冻方竹笋的L*a*b*值却均有所降低。随着贮藏时间的延长,水分、蛋白质、总氨基酸、总糖、维生素C含量逐渐降低,而粗纤维的含量却逐步增高,其含量均在冻藏90~180 d时趋于稳定,整个过程中,脂肪、硒和单宁含量基本稳定。在贮藏180 d时,水分、蛋白、粗纤维、总糖、脂肪、人体必需氨基酸、维生素C、硒的质量分数分别为91.24%、2.51%、2.82%、0.93%、0.27%、552.96×10-3%、13.14×10-3%、0.785×10-6%,营养品质优良。在冻藏[0,90) d时,PAL、PPO、POD活性显著下降,在冻藏[90,180] d时,其活性较低且变化不大,对方竹笋的品质指标无显著影响。【结论】液氮速冻—真空包装—冻藏保鲜技术实现了金佛山方竹笋保鲜保质达6个月,是一种竹笋保鲜的可行方法。

关键词: 金佛山方竹笋, 液氮速冻, 冻藏, 竹笋品质


【Objective】Fresh Chimonobambusa utilis shoots from Jinfoshan mountain were processed by the technique of liquid nitrogen quick-freezing-vacuum packing-frozen storage. The dynamics (hardness, color, nutritional quality and enzyme activity) during storage were investigated with the increasing the frozen storage time, and thus providing a theoretical support for the industrial production and quality control of fresh C. utilis shoots under the liquid nitrogen quick-frozen storage condition.【Method】C. utilis shoots with shells were used to produce quick-frozen bamboo shoots by the processes of liquid nitrogen quick-freezing and vacuum packaging. At a frozen storage process (-18℃, 0-180 d), the main quality indicators of the quick-frozen shoots were determined in terms of hardness, color, protein and amino acids, crude fiber, total sugar, fat, vitamin C, and selenium. The enzymatic activities (POD, PPO and PAL) of the quick-frozen shoots at different storage time were also analyzed. 【Result】The hardness and color of fresh C. utilis shoots under the liquid nitrogen quick-frozen storage condition were affected by the frozen storage time. When the frozen storage time was ≥90 d, the hardness increased slightly, while their L*, a* and b* values decreased a little. With the increasement of storage time, the contents of water, protein, total amino acids, total sugar and vitamin C gradually decreased, while the content of crude fiber gradually increased. These contents tended to be stable at 90-180 d. The contents of fat, selenium and tannin were basically stable in the storage time. When the frozen storage time was at 180 d, the contents of water, protein, crude fiber, total sugar, fat, essential amino acid, vitamin C and selenium were respectively 91.24%, 2.51%, 2.82%, 0.93%, 0.27%, 552.96×10-3%, 13.14×10-3%, 0.785×10-6%, with good quality. The activities of PAL, PPO and POD decreased significantly during 0-90 d, and they were stable at 90-180 d. The quality of C. utilis shoots was affected little by enzymatic activity at the storage time (90-180 d). 【Conclusion】 Finally, the liquid nitrogen quick-freezing-vacuum packing-frozen storage technology had achieved a preservation of 6 months for fresh C. utilis shoots under the liquid nitrogen quick-frozen storage condition. Thus, it is a feasible method for the preservation of fresh bamboo shoots.

Key words: Chimonobambusa utilis bamboo shoot, liquid nitrogen quick-freezing, frozen storage, bamboo shoot quality
