南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 181-190.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201904038
何斌1(), 李青1, 冯图1, 薛晓辉1, 李望军1, 刘勇2
HE Bin1(), LI Qing1, FENG Tu1, XUE Xiaohui1, LI Wangjun1, LIU Yong2
何斌,李青,冯图,等. 不同林龄马尾松人工林针叶功能性状及其与土壤养分的关系[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 44(2): 181-190.
HE Bin, LI Qing, FENG Tu, XUE Xiaohui, LI Wangjun, LIU Yong. Variation in leaf functional traits of different-aged Pinus massoniana communities and relationships with soil nutrients[J].Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Science Edition), 2020, 44(2): 181-190.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201904038.
林龄/a age | 海拔/m altitude | 经度(E) latitude | 纬度(N) longitude | 坡向 aspect | 郁闭度/% canopy density | 树高/m height | 胸径/cm DBH | 林分密度/ (株·hm-2) stand density |
14 | 979 | 106°15'50″ | 27°12'29″ | SW | 75 | 15.2 | 12.37 | 1 500 |
26 | 963 | 106°16'40″ | 27°12'43″ | S | 85 | 16.4 | 13.63 | 1 600 |
33 | 1 020 | 106°15'50″ | 27°12'29″ | S | 80 | 17.3 | 15.36 | 1 300 |
叶功能性状 leaf functional traits | 数值范围 range of values | 平均值±标准误 mean±SE | 变异系数/% CV |
LL/DL/(cm·mm-1) | 12.043~26.667 | 17.596±2.369 | 13.5 |
TL/mm | 0.350~0.840 | 0.625±0.114 | 18.2 |
SLA /cm2 | 0.708~2.580 | 1.757±0.410 | 23.3 |
w(LDM)/ (mg·mg-1) | 0.398~0.492 | 0.438±0.028 | 6.4 |
| 60.923~213.917 | 121.062±30.681 | 25.3 |
w(OC)/(g·kg-1) | 477.515~504.527 | 490.633±6.738 | 1.4 |
w(TN)/(g·kg-1) | 10.030~14.825 | 12.150±1.280 | 10.5 |
w(TP)/(g·kg-1) | 0.755~1.224 | 1.038±0.128 | 12.3 |
指标 index | LL/DL | TL | SLA | w(LDM) | SSLA | w(OC) | w(TN) |
TL | 0.164* | ||||||
SLA | 0.236** | 0.657** | |||||
w(LDM) | -0.319** | -0.588** | -0.788** | ||||
SSLA | -0.031 | 0.384** | 0.381** | -0.389** | |||
w(OC) | 0.141 | 0.259** | 0.363** | -0.353** | 0.203* | ||
w(TN) | 0.084 | 0.469** | 0.531** | -0.426** | 0.251** | 0.199* | |
w(TP) | 0.292** | 0.590** | 0.749** | -0.821** | 0.344** | 0.284* | 0.467** |
针叶指标 leaf index | 逐步回归方程 stepwise regression equations | 标准化回归系数(B) standardized regression coefficient | R2 |
LL/DL | LL/DL=14.719+3.989 w(STP) | BSTP=0.364 | 0.132* |
TL | TL=0.373+0.349 w(STP) | BSTP=0.660 | 0.436* |
SLA | SLA=0.588+1.621 w(STP) | BSTP=0.853 | 0.728** |
w(LDM) | w(LDM)=0.502+0.002 w(SOC)-0.149 w(STP) | BSOC=0.337,BSTP=-1.167 | 0.893** |
SSLA | | BSTP=0.496, | 0.210* |
w(OC) | w(OC)=468.274+0.203 w(SAN) | BSAN=0.391 | 0.153* |
w(TN) | w(TN)=6.115+0.16 w(SOC)+1.321 w(STP) | BSOC=0.554,BSAP=0.195 | 0.510** |
w(TP) | w(TP)=0.765+0.743 w(STP)-0.013 w(SOC) | BSOC=-0.443,BSTP=1.255 | 0.813** |
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