南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1984, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (04): 126-131.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1984.04.014

• 研究简报 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京林学院;南京林学院;南京林学院;南京林学院;南京木器厂;南京木器厂;南京木器厂
  • 出版日期:1984-12-18 发布日期:1984-08-18


Luo Qingwan, Wu Zhuxiang, Zhang Qingli & Zhang Bingyuan(Nanjing Institute of Forestry)Yang Wenjra, Wang Shucheng & Pan Suning   

  1. Nanjing Wooden Furniture Factory
  • Online:1984-12-18 Published:1984-08-18

摘要: <正> 装饰用薄木一般都采用珍贵树种的木材制造,目前已供不应求。为了满足人民对物质生活的需求,促进家具和人造板工业的发展,我们在学习国内外先进技术的基础上,根据我国木材工业的现状和发展趋向,选用了Ⅰ-69杨、东北杨、日罗冬,柳桉等一些速生或普通树种的木材,研制了仿红木色及柚木色等多品种的弦向纹理及径向纹理的人造薄木。 人造薄木是将木段旋切成单板,再将单板胶压成木方,然后从木方上刨切出的薄木。由于人造薄木是装饰性较强的装饰材料,具有木质材料的一切优良特性,木材纹理可自行设计,可实现薄木整张化,胶贴工艺也简单,因此是一种价廉物美、应用广泛的家具和人造板装饰材料,国际市场上也很受欢迎。 本文就人造薄木的制造工艺与设备、质量评定以及经济效益的分析等作一介绍。 一、人造薄木的制造工艺及设备

Abstract: Man-made fancy veneer is made from wood of ordinary or fast-growing species and by the processing methods of peeling or slicing the veneer, dyeing (or keeping the natural color), glue spreading, laminating and slicing into the final product. It retains characteristics of wood material, but exhibits various nice-looking patterns which can be designed as desired. It can be processed into very large sheets without piecing together, and so the technigue for overlaying is rather simple. Such veneer is an excellent decorative wood material for overlays on furniture and other wood-based panels.This paper mainly deals with the manufacturing process, the use of glue and dye and the economic result of the man-maed fancy veneer imitating teak.