南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1987, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (01): 80-87.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1987.01.010

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京林业大学林学系
  • 出版日期:1987-03-18 发布日期:1987-02-18


Luo Ruying   

  1. Department of Forestry
  • Online:1987-03-18 Published:1987-02-18

摘要: <正>江西省东北部低山区的森林土壤,按我国现行土壤分类系统应归入红壤和黄壤;但是,实际上坡地中部以上的黄棕色土壤与上述红壤或黄壤的概念不符。以赣东北与南京近郊低山区几个土壤剖面的数据作出极小生成树图,可见赣东北低山坡地下部的红色土壤与中部以上的黄棕色土壤,是属于截然不同的两类。后者在性质上与南京低山坡地下部的、具有埋藏红层的土壤剖面接近,但二者成因不同。南京近郊低山坡地的土壤组合,自上而下为薄层土(性质近似于山东棕壤)和黄棕壤(老红土上发育的);而赣东北低山坡地的土壤组合,自上而下为黄棕壤(近代发育的黄棕色土壤)和红壤(古风化壳上发育的)。

Abstract: According to the present system of soil classification in China, forest soils in the low mountain areas in northeastern Jiangxi province should be allocated to the soil great groups of red earths and yellow earths. Nevertheless, those soils of yellowish brown color situated above the waist of a mountain slope do not conform to the concept of red earths or yellow earths mentioned above in reality. In this paper a figure of minimum spanning tree, containing data on several soil profiles within the low mountain areas in northeastern Jiangxi province and the low mountain areas in the suburbs of Nanjing City, Jiangsu province (northeast of the former) and based upon the 5 properties of subsoil diagnostic for the higher categories of soil classification, illustrates that the soils of red color on the lower part in a slope of the low mountain areas in northeastern Jiangxi province are completely different from those of yellowish brown color at the places above the middle, thus the two types of soils should belong to two different soil great groups respectively. The latter is close to the soil profiles with a buried red layer on the lower part of a low mountain slope near Nanjing, but the causes of formation of the two soils are not the same. The patterns of soil association of the two researched areas have been affected by the ancient climate. The soil association in the low mountain area near Nanjing includes the Rankers (similar to the Shantung burozems in properties) in the upper and the Yellow-brown Earths (derived from fossil red earths) in the lower while the soils in the low mountain areas of northeastern Jiangxi province includes the Yellow-brown Earths (soils of yellowish brown color formed in modern time) in the upper and the Red Earths (derived from the anciently weathered crust) in the lower.