南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1995, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (02): 59-66.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1995.02.012

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 福建省明溪县林业委员会,福建林学院莘口教学林场
  • 出版日期:1995-06-18 发布日期:1995-04-18


Liao Hanzong(MingXi County Forestry Commission Fujian Province MingXi 365200)Zhang Chunnen; Di Daosheng; Chen Zuozhi   

  1. Forest Farm of Fujian Forestry College in XinKou
  • Online:1995-06-18 Published:1995-04-18

摘要: <正>以双重抽样法和“相对变比生长”模型(y=axbecx)、“树形管道”模型(y=axbLc)测定4个福建柏人工林的生物量。结果表明:24年生福建柏人工林密林分(Ⅱ类立地,2700株/hm2)和26年生稀林分(Ⅰ类立地,1216株/hm2)的生物量,前者为178.240t/hm2(乔木层占99.6%),后者为155.204t/hm2(乔木层占99.6%);前者年平均净生产量为7.628t/(hm2·a),后者为6.075t/(hm2·a);乔木层干物质的密度,前者为13.9t/(hm2·m),后者为11.5t/(hm2·m)。树体各器官生物量分配的大小顺序为:树干>根>枝>树皮>叶。乔木层各器官生物量的威布尔分布均是正偏的。由于分布均是从

Abstract: With the variable allometric rates model and the tree form pipe model for F. hodginsii plantation of 23 to 26 years of growth, the biomass of four plantations in Fujian Province was measured. The total stands biomass was 178. 240 t/ hm2 at maximum (No. 25 plot, site class Ⅱ, 2700 stem/hm2, 24 years old) and 155. 204 t/hm2 at minimum (No. 22, site class Ⅰ, 1216 stem/hm2, 26-years old). The productivity of the fomer was 7. 628 t/ (hm2·a) and the latter was 6. 075 t/(hm2. a). Components biomass was 108. 145. 16. 532. 17. 455. 7. 735 and 27. 732 t/hm2 for stem. barks、branches、leaves and roots, respectively for the former, while 88. 528、 12. 06、21. 618、8. 016and 24. 413 t/hm2 were for the latter, respectively. Weibull distribution of stands components biomass was positively skewed, at C<3. 6 (Since the distribution begins from a small diameter, biomass inclines toward the smaller diameter), but the greater the density stock, the smaller the diameter of distribution the more the density, the greater the diamerer of distribution stock. The logistic increment eguation of biomass cumulative process showed that their stage of maximum growth was at 15 to 18-years of age.