南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2012, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (06): 8-12.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2012.06.002

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


谭健晖,冯源恒,贾婕, 杨章旗   

  1. 广西壮族自治区林业科学研究院,广西南宁530002
  • 出版日期:2012-11-30 发布日期:2012-11-30
  • 基金资助:
    第一作者:谭健晖,高级工程师,硕士。 *通信作者: Email: tanjianhui94@126.com。
    引文格式:谭健晖,冯源恒,贾婕,等. 马尾松半同胞家系纤维形态遗传变异及纸浆材优良家系选择[J]. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版,2012,36(6):8-12.

Study on the genetic variation of wood fiber morphology in a halfsib mason pine family and the selection of fine paper pulp making family

TAN Jianhui,FENG Yuanheng,JIA Jie,YANG Zhangqi   

  1. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Forestry Research Institute,Nanning 530002,China
  • Online:2012-11-30 Published:2012-11-30

摘要: 纤维形态的物理特征是马尾松纸浆材新品种选育的重要性状。该研究以22年生29个马尾松初级种子园半同胞家系的木材样品为材料,对其木材纤维进行了遗传变异分析、相关分析及优良家系选择。结果表明:纤维性状在家系间和家系内均存在一定幅度的变异,纤维长度、纤维宽度、纤维长宽比、柔性系数以及壁腔比5个性状的早材变异系数均大于晚材,家系水平的纤维选择主要是针对早材的选择。方差分析表明:家系间平均晚材纤维宽度、平均晚材纤维腔径宽、平均晚材纤维长度以及早晚材平均纤维长度差异显著,家系遗传力为038~051,家系水平的纤维改良潜力较大。年龄与纤维长、晚材长宽比、纤维壁厚、壁腔比、柔性系数、刚性系数等6个指标呈显著相关或相关显著;年轮宽度与纤维宽、纤维长、纤维长宽比、壁腔比、壁厚、刚性系数和柔性系数等7个纤维形态指标呈显著相关,晚材率与纤维宽、纤维长、长宽比、壁厚、早材壁腔比、早材刚性系数和早材柔性系数等指标相关显著,年轮宽可作为马尾松家系纤维的间接选择指标。通过对生长和纤维含量及质量进行综合评价,113号家系入选为定向培育制浆造纸材的优良家系。

Abstract: We studied the genetic variation, the relationship between wood fibers and the optimum cutting age of pulpwood stand using 29 halfsib families in primary seed orchard of Pinus massoniana. The results showed that:the properties of fibers has certain variations among and within the family. The variation of fiber length, fiber width, fiber length to width ratio, flexibility coefficient and wall thickness to lumen ratio of earlywood were all larger than those of latewood. The variance analysis showed that the average latewood fiber width, average latewood tracheid diameter, average latewood fiber length and the average fiber length of earlywood and latewood were significant different among families, family hereditary capacity was 0.38-0.51. Our research also showed that the mason pine age had significant correlations with fiber length, latewood lengthwidth ratio, fiber wall thickness, tracheid wall thickness to lumen ratio, flexibility coefficient and rigidity coefficient; the width of annual ring had significant correlations with fiber width, fiber length, fiber lengthwidth ratio, tracheid wall thickness to lumen ratio, tracheid wall thickness, rigidity coefficient and flexibility coefficient; the percent of latewood had significant correlations with fiber width, fiber length, fiber lengthwidth ratio, tracheid wall thickness, earlywood tracheid wall thickness to lumen ratio, earlywood rigidity coefficient and earlywood flexibility coefficient; thus, the annual ring width could be an indirect index for selection of fine paper pulp making family of mason pine. After the evaluation of growth, fiber content and the wood quality, family No.113 was chosen as the fine paper pulp making family.
