南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1979, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (07): 53-60.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1979.07.006

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:1979-12-20 发布日期:1979-12-20

Preliminary study on determining seed quality of forest trees by soft X-ray radiography

Chen Yousheng Wu Qiongmei   

  • Online:1979-12-20 Published:1979-12-20

摘要: <正>一 用原子序数较小的金属作为X射线管内的阳极靶面而产生的X射线,波长较长,穿透能力较弱,被称为软X射线。用这种射线作为光源进行透视摄影,称为软X射线摄影,或简称射线摄影。近二三十年来,国外已将软X射线摄影作为基本检验技术,逐步应用于生产和许多学科领域。1953年,瑞典的Simak和Gustafsson用软X射线检查出了林木种子中的饱满粒、空粒和畸形种粒。六十年代初期,日本用它透视含苞未放的花朵。六十年代中期和七十年代初,瑞典的Kamra利用这种技术检验欧洲赤松和挪威云杉的发芽能力,并同靛蓝染色法作过比较。1974年召开过X射线检验种子的国际讨论会。1975年在英格兰召开的“国际森林树木种子专题讨论会”上,软X射线检验被列为讨论的专题之一。据这个会议统计,当时世界上已有五十多个林木种子实验室拥有这种技术装备。1976年,Kamra发表了应用软X射线摄影术检查165种热带林木种子品质的结果。为了探讨软X射线摄影术

Abstract: Some factors effecting soft X-ray radiograph are here described. Figures showing the fully-developed, incompletely-developed, empty, tannin-like, mechanically-damaged, insect-damaged and polyembryonic seeds detected radiographically and nondestructively by the native-produced DGX-4 soft X-ray machine are presented in positive form. Working with the six submitted samples drawn from five seed lots of Pinus elliottii, it was found that there was no significant difference between the quick estimates of the germinability forecasted on the soft X-ray images and the actual germination percentage resulted from a testing period of 30-35 days. It is hoped that the improvements in the radiographic apparatus and an increasing understanding of the potentialities of this technique will widen its use in forest tree seed tesitng.