南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1981, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (01): 16-69.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1981.01.002

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京林产工业学院竹类研究室
  • 出版日期:1981-03-18 发布日期:1981-02-18


Zhou Fangchun   

  • Online:1981-03-18 Published:1981-02-18

摘要: <正> 同一物种的各个器官之间都有一定的结构关系。这种结构关系是物种遗传特性的表现,同时也受环境条件的影响。本文主要阐明毛竹秆形(包括直径、高度、壁厚、重量等)结构特点,及其与气候条件的关系。从而,为研究毛竹林产量和编制竹材用表提供依据。 毛竹(Phyllostachys pubescens)原产我国,自然分布在北纬23°—33°、东径104°—122°、海拔1200米以下的一些地区,年平均气温12°—22℃,年降水量800—2200mm。1958至1980年期间,我们调查和收集了十三个竹区资料,其中我国原产区十二个,日本引种区一个,共计标准地224块,标准竹276l株(表1)。根据这些资料,整理如下:

Abstract: This paper deals with mathematical models of culm forms of Phyllostachys pubescent. Based on 2,761 culms collected from 13 districts located in China and Japan, fourteen mathematical models have been worked out by statistical procedures. They are:1, The distribution of intercede lengths of culms:2, The distribution of internode cireumfernces of culms:3, The distribution of internode radial wall thicknesses of culms:4, The distribution of internode. yolumes of culms:5, The structural model of the relative diameters of culms (D%): 6, The structural model of the relative radial wall thicknesses of culms7, The structural model of relative fresh weights of culms (W%):8, The relationship between the culm breast-height diameter (D) and the culm length (H) which is dependent on the annual mean temperature (t) and rainfall (R):9, The relationship between the breast-height diameter (D) and the fresh weight (W) which also depends on the annual mean temperature (t) and rainfall (R):10, The relationship between the breast-height diameter (D) and the clear length (Hc]) which is dependent on the annual mean temperature (t) arid rainfall (R):11, The relationship between the breast-height diameter (D) and the total fresh weight of branches with leaves (Wbl) which also result from the annual mean temperature (t) and rainfall (R):12, The relationship between the diameter (D) at breast-height and the diameter (Dx) at any height:13, The relationship between the breast-height diameter (D) and the radial wall thickness (Zx) at any height:14, The relationship between the breast-height diameter (D), the length (H) and the total fresh weight (W) in connection with the influence of annual mean temperature (t) and rainfall (R):