南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1983, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (04): 47-64.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1983.04.005

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  1. 南京林产工业学院;南京林产工业学院;江苏省林业科学研究所;江苏省林业科学研究所
  • 出版日期:1983-12-18 发布日期:1983-08-18


Liao Kueizone & Zhao Rongtong (Nanjing Technological Colloge of Forest Products)Tu Zhongyu & Pan Mingjian   

  1. Jiangsu Research Institute of Forestry
  • Online:1983-12-18 Published:1983-08-18

摘要: <正> 树木的不同干型和冠型组合成为各种不同的株型结构。其主要组成部分是树干、分枝及叶片。由于干、枝、叶的数量和比例不同,以及空间分布的差异,形成了不同的株型结构。我们称这些影响株型结构的数量性状为株型变量。进行速生用材树种的选育,就是要从遗传组成上调整这些株型变量,使各种株型变量在相对大小上保持均衡的比例,从而组合成主干高大、干材率高的优良株型。研究株型变量的相互关系,查明各株型变量在干材生长中的作用,对用材树木育种无疑是有益的。

Abstract: This study reported that researches had been made on the yearling cultivated cuttings of 7 willow species from 16 clone with regard to plant type variability. The weights of leaves, branches and stems at different heights of the trunk were taken as plant type variables. 20 plant type variables with significant genetic diversities had been chosen by means of variance analysis. From sample correlation matrix 4 principal factors had been extracted, of which the first principal factor is the total biomass factor (y1). The second principal factor is the stem type factor (y2). The third principal factor is the tree crown type factor (y3). And the fourth principal factor is the tree crown density factor (y4). Quantitative description of 16 willow clone’s plant types and comparison had been made in accordance with the different score of each factor, and high yielding plant types had been chosen from them.