南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1984, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (01): 30-41.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1984.01.003

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京林学院;南京林学院;南京林学院;广西林业勘测设计院;广西林业勘测设计院;广西林业勘测设计院;广西林业勘测设计院;广西高峰林场;广西高峰林场
  • 出版日期:1984-03-18 发布日期:1984-02-18


Wu Fuzheng, Lu Zhaosu & Zhang Zhiqiang(Nanjing Institute of Forestry)Liu Shirong, Li Youzheng, Liao Zezhao & Teng Naichuan (Guangxi Academy of Forest Survey & Planning)Huang Zhuosan & Tan Peicai   

  1. Guangxi Gaofeng Forest Station
  • Online:1984-03-18 Published:1984-02-18

摘要: <正>前言 类型中心抽样调查法是当前我国森林资源调查的一种新型方法。它是建立在森林资源概知的基础上,可以根据小班档案或遥感信息资料,分别小班类型,依概知平均数抽取极少的样本单元就能获得一定精度的总体标志值。 类型中心抽样较客观地吸取了典型调查和随机抽样的优点。它将我国传统的典型调查与随机抽样结合起来,把典型调查与统计分析融为一体,使典型调查建立起精度分析系统,有了进行比较分析的可能。这样可以提高典型调查的应用价值,发挥典型调查快速、省工的优势,大大减少了调查人员的外业工作量。因此,有必要在原有的基础上对类型中心抽样在理论上和应用方面进一步研究。 本次实验的特点主要是将3p抽样法(Probability Proportional to Prediction)和众数抽样法引入类型中心抽样中来,使它进一步发挥高效率的作用,把类型中心抽样组成一种调查体系。 本次试验的目的:1.在被抽中的小班内,采用角规点抽样、角规线抽样和常规带状样地组成三套样本,通过比较,选择最优样本单元;2.把3p抽样引进类型中心抽样体系,利用3p样本估测总体蓄积量、生长量(率)和出材量(率),以消除应用数表和调查总体的不一致性而引起的误差。

Abstract: The purposive sampling method based on volume arithmetic mean of typical subcompartment (PSMAMT) is a new method of forest inventory at present in China. It is established on the basis of the approximate information of forest resource which has already been achieved. According to the forest resource files and remote sensing information, all subcompartments in a population are divided into several types. Only a few samples which are sampled based on volume arithmetic mean of typical subcompartment are investigated, and the population parameters with considerable accuracy can be made thereupon.PSMAMT is noted for its use of 3 P-sampling (probability proportional to prediction sampling). With 3 P sample trees, the estimation of population volume, increment or its percent, timber assortment volume or its percent can be carried out to eliminate the error caused by the disagreement between the table applied and the investigation population. The experiment of PSSAMT was conducted by various methods of investigation such as point sampling, linear sampling and strip sampling, and the data of 710 sample trees were collected, from which the following three main conclusions have been drawn.1 . The standing volume of each sample tree from the three samplings was measured by height accumulation method and Pressler method to estimate the population volume. At the same time, one-way volume table, general volume table and standard table were used to calculate the stand volume. Results from all the sixteen different methods show that the accuracy is more than 85%. 2 . The mean increment percent of population was estimated according to different types and species of trees by single tree increment percent method, with the B. H. diameter increment of 3 P sample trees being measured. The accuracy is more than 90%.3 . The table of merchantable volume percent has been worked out from the information of 3 P sample trees by standing tree diameter difference method, and the results were satisfying when it was compared with that from the mean sample trees method.