南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1984, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (03): 80-87.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1984.03.012

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  1. 中国科学院云南热带植物研究所;中国科学院云南热带植物研究所
  • 出版日期:1984-09-18 发布日期:1984-06-18


Zou Shouqing and Chen Meilin   

  1. Yunnan Institute of Tropical Botany, Academia Sinica
  • Online:1984-09-18 Published:1984-06-18

摘要: <正>大果人面子是漆树科珍稀树种,特产于云南省西双版纳地区,生长迅速,材质良好;种子含油率高于69%,可食。 大果人面子的幼龄阶段(1—5年)生长很快,生长量达1—2米/年,直径生长达2—6厘米/年。20年成材,每公顷蓄积量达310立方米,平均材积年生长量达14.09立方米/公顷。它的木材为散孔材,气干密度 0.648克/厘米~3,静曲强度为 957kg·f/cm~2,顺纹抗压强度477kg·f/cm~2,是一种优良的锯材。其心材色泽花纹酷似核桃木,是制作家具和室内装修用装饰薄木的优良原料。作者对它的种子特性和促进种子发芽的方法以及育苗和造林的技术措施,也作了研究和叙述。

Abstract: Dracontomelon macrocarpum H. L. Li is a rare tree species belonging to the Ana-cardiaceae and endemic in Xishuangbanna District of Yunnan. It grows fast and produces good timber. Its seeds are eatable, the oil content of which exceeds 69%.This paper deals with jts morphological features, ecological habits and characteristics, regularity of growth, wood structure, physical and mechanical properties and uses of the wood.It grows most fast during its first five years and the annual increment is about 1-2 meters per year in height and 2-6 centimetre in diameter. It grows into lumbering age in about 20 years and the stocking can reach 310 cubic meters per hectare, with a mean increment of 14.9 cubic meters per hectare each year. It is a diffuse porous wood, air-dry density being 0.648g/cm3, bending strength 957kg·f/cm2 and compressive strength parallel to the grain 477kg·f/cm2. The heartwood is veined, similar to the wood of walnut in figure and colour, and can be used as a good material for making fancy veneer for furniture and inner house decorations.It is difficult for the seed to germinate, so characteristics of the seed and measures to promote its germination have been studied. The methods for raising seedlings and planting trees have also been deseribed.