南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2000, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (S1): 39-42.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2000.07.011

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  1. 南京新大陆生态产业开发研究中心瑞士IMO中国代表处;南京210008
  • 出版日期:2000-12-28 发布日期:2000-12-28

The Rise and Development of the Organic Food Industry in China

Ding Wei   

  1. IMO-CHINA Nanjing 210008
  • Online:2000-12-28 Published:2000-12-28

摘要: <正>有机食品是一类在生产加工过程中不使用任何化学合成物质的食品,它的原料必须来自于有机农业生产体系,该体系主要通过一些系统内的恢复措施和管理手段来保持和促进土壤的可持续和生态的和谐发展。在美国和欧盟均已制定了有机食品的标准,对符合有机生产和加工标准的企业发放有机食品证书,所以,中国有机食品生产企业和出口部门,必须了解和掌握国外有机食品的概念和法律上的规定,以保证生产的产品与国际有机市场接轨。

Abstract: Organic foods are those that have not been treated with any chemically synthesized substances in the course of production and processing. All the raw materials must derive from the organic farming system, which aims at maintaining and promoting the sustainability of the soil and the harmonious development of the ecology through the recovery of the internal system and the adoption of appropriate measures. The United States and the European Union have set up their organic food standards and grant organic certificates to those enterprises whose production and processing activities comply with relevant standards. Therefore, in order to keep pace in pace with the international developments of organic food industry, food manufacturers and export departments in China have to learn and understand the organic concepts and legal regulations of western countries.