南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2009, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (03): 143-145.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2009.03.033

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  1. 1.浙江省淳安县林业局,浙江淳安31700;2.浙江林学院林业与生物技术学院,浙江临安311300
  • 出版日期:2009-06-18 发布日期:2009-06-18
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2008-10-08修回日期:2009-03-15基金项目:科技部成果转化项目(2006GB2C200113);科技部星火项目(2006EA700125);浙江省重大科技专项(2007C12023);浙江省林业厅项目(06B08;08B03);杭州市科技局项目(20080632B63);临安市科技局项目(2007082)作者简介:余琳(1963—),高级工程师,研究方向为森林培育。Email: cayulin@163.com。引文格式:余琳,张卫斌,余兵妹,等. 山核桃不同砧穗组合嫁接苗造林效果及结实情况分析[J]. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版,2009,33(3):143-145.

Study on growth performance of different hickory scion/rootstock combinations and its effect on bearing

YU Lin1, ZHANG Weibin1, YU Bingmei1, ZHAN Renchun1, WANG Jibin1, FENG Wencai1, XIA Guohua2   

  1. 1.Chun’an Forestry Bureau, Chun’an 31700, China; 2.School of Forestry and Biological Technology, Zhejiang Forestry University, Lin’an 311300, China
  • Online:2009-06-18 Published:2009-06-18

摘要: 研究了山核桃3种砧穗组合(本砧+结果枝接穗、本砧+生长枝接穗、化香砧+生长枝接穗)和实生苗造林生长及前期结实情况,探讨了山核桃不同砧穗组合造林效果的差异。结果表明:造林保存率第2年开始趋于稳定,以化香砧+生长枝接穗的嫁接苗造林保存率最高,达(77.93±8.51)%,本砧+结果枝接穗的嫁接苗造林保存率最低,为(52.97±5.67)%。随着造林年限的增加(第1~5 年),砧穗组合间高生长的差距逐渐缩小,而地径生长的差距变大。造林第5年,本砧+结果枝接穗的嫁接苗造林矮化效果显著,其高生长仅为实生苗的892%。本砧+生长枝接穗和化香砧+生长枝接穗的嫁接苗造林第5年开始结果,而实生苗和本砧+结果枝接穗的嫁接苗造林第6年开始结果,造林第7年(2008年),本砧+结果枝接穗的嫁接苗造林结果树比例最高,达到85.0%,化香砧+生长枝接穗和本砧+生长枝接穗的嫁接苗造林结果树比例分别达到74.2%和75.8%,结果量较高,分别达到30.6 kg和30.4 kg,实生苗造林结果树比例最低,结果量最小,仅为43.7%和4.5 kg。

Abstract: To understand the difference of the growth performance of different hickory scion/rootstock combinations, growth performance and early fruiting were studied on three different scion/rootstock combinations comparing to seedling. The results showed that the preservation rate tended to stability from the second year on, and the preservation rate of the combinations of growth limb scion and dyetree rootstock was the highest, reached to (77.93±8.51)%. However, the preservation rate of the combinations of fruitbearing limb scion and hickory rootstock was the lowest, only (52.97±567)%. The height growth gap was decrescent along with the increase of afforestation years (1 to 5 years), while the diameter growth gap was extended. Afforestion 5 years later, dwarf effect of the combination of growth limb and hickory rootstock was obvious, and the height growth was only 89.2% of the seedlings, and the combination of growth limb scion and dyetree rootstock or hickory rootstock began fructification. While, the other two delayed one year. Afforestration 7 years later, the ratio of fruited tree was highest, reached to 85.0%, but the combinations of growth scion and dyetree or hickory rootstock were 74.2% and 75.8%, respectively, and early yield were 30.6kg and 30.4 kg, respectively. The ratio o fruited tree of seedlings afforestion and early yield were the lowest, only 43.7% and 4.5kg, respectively.
