南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2018, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (03): 199-203.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201708030

• 研究简报 • 上一篇    下一篇


唐瀛洲1, 唐红燕2*   

  1. 1.西南林业大学林学院,云南 昆明 650224; 2.普洱市林业科学研究所,云南 普洱 665099
  • 出版日期:2018-06-06 发布日期:2018-06-06
  • 基金资助:
    基金项目:中央财政林业科技推广示范资金项目[2015]TZYN15 第一作者:唐瀛洲(530911236@qq.com)。*通信作者:唐红燕(519952554@qq.com),高级工程师。

The germination and fertilization of Pinus kesiya grafting

TANG Yingzhou1,TANG Hongyan2*   

  1. 1.College of Forestry,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming 650224,China; 2.Pu’ er Institute of Forestry, Pu’ er 665099, China
  • Online:2018-06-06 Published:2018-06-06

摘要: 【目的】研究云南普洱地区思茅松嫁接苗萌芽盛期开始及持续时间,以便对苗木出圃前进行精细管理,提高嫁接苗成活率。【方法】以4个不同产地思茅松(Pinus kesiya)当年生全木质化穗条为接穗,以景谷县思茅松无性系种子园种子播种苗为砧木进行劈接,观察思茅松嫁接苗的萌发成活特性; 同时选取普洱市思茅区曼歇坝、木乃河的思茅松优树为嫁接材料,研究复合肥及复合生物菌剂肥对思茅松嫁接苗生长的影响。【结果】在普洱地区,思茅松嫁接苗萌芽盛期为嫁接完成后的25~48 d,施肥对思茅松嫁接苗生长量的影响达显著水平,其中 15 g/株复合生物菌剂对苗木的地径增长有显著影响,增长率最高可达65.66%; 15 g/株复合肥对苗木的接穗长增长率影响显著,增长率最高可达577.40%。【结论】要重视思茅松嫁接苗嫁接后第25~48天的精细化管理,适当施用复合肥和复合生物菌剂可以促进地径和接穗生长,提高嫁接苗成活率。

Abstract: Abstract: 【Objective】The initiation and duration of the sprout period of Pinus kesiya grafting in Puer, Yunnan Province was investigated in order to improve the survival rate of grafting by fine management of the seedlings during its nursery. 【Method】The germination characteristics of the grafting seedlings were studied with the fully lignified panicle of P. kesiya from four different districts and the clonal seeds of P.kesiya as rootstock for cleft grafting from Jinggu County. P. kesiya from Manxieba Simao District were selected to investigate the effect of compound fertilizer and biofungicide on the growth of the grafting seedlings of P. kesiya. 【Results】The results showed that the germination period of the grafting seedling was 25 to 48 days after grafted and the effect of fertilizer treatment on the growth of P. kesiya was significant. The growth rate of the ground diameter of seedling was significantly increased by applying 15 g of compound biofungicide, which was up to 65.66%. The effect of 15 g compound fertilizer for seedling on grafting was significant as well, with the growth rate at 577.40%.【Conclusion】We should pay attention to the fine management and cultivation of P. kesiya especially from day 25 to day 48 after grafting. The proper use of compound fertilizer and biofungicide could facilitate the growth rate of ground diameter and scion and improve the survival rate of grafting.
