南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2001, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (04): 12-16.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2001.04.003

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  1. 南京林业大学林木遗传和基因工程开放实验室;江苏南京210037;南京林业大学林木遗传和基因工程开放实验室;江苏南京210037
  • 出版日期:2001-08-18 发布日期:2001-08-18

Effects Analysis Using Regression Method for Mapping QTL

TONG Chun fa,SHI Ji sen   

  1. Laboratory of Forest Genetics and Gene Engineering Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037,China
  • Online:2001-08-18 Published:2001-08-18

摘要: <正>通过随机模拟 ,研究了群体的大小、遗传力和标记区间长度 3个因素对回归法 QTL作图效率的影响。结果表明 :当遗传力一定时 ,随着群体大小的增加 ,QTL定位的精确度逐渐增加。而当群体的大小一定时 ,随着遗传力的增加 ,QTL定位的精确度也逐渐增加 ;无论群体的大小和遗传力的大小如何 ,用回归法都能得到群体的平均值、数量性状的加性效应和显性效应的精确估计值 ;当群体的大小和遗传力一定时 ,回归显著性检验统计量 F随着标记位点区间长度的增加而减少

Abstract: Through random simulation,the population size,the heritability of quantitative trait and the length of marker interval are investigated in analyzing the effects when using regression method for mapping QTL. The following results are obtained: (1) When the heritability is fixed, the accuracy of locating QTL increases as the population size increases. And when the population size is fixed, the accuracy of locating QTL increases as the heritability increases. (2) Whether the population size and the heritability are large or small, the mean of population and the additive and dominance effects can be estimated precisely by using regression method. (3) When the population size and the heritability are fixed, the significant test F decreases as the length of marker interval increases.
