南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2011, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (06): 23-28.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2011.06.005

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


洪永辉1,2 ,胡集瑞1 ,林文奖1 ,陈亚斌1   

  1. 1.福建省漳平五一国有林场,福建漳平364400; 2.福建省龙岩市马尾松研究中心,福建漳平364400
  • 出版日期:2011-11-28 发布日期:2011-11-28
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2010-08-03修回日期:2011-05-16基金项目:福建省科学技术厅资助项目(2008N0059);福建省林木种苗攻关项目(闽林种2005-50);福建省林业厅科研开发项目(闽林2001科12号)〖ZK)〗作者简介:洪永辉(1963—),教授级高级工程师。Email: hohu819@163.com。

Multitraits selection of clonal parents for seed orchards of Pinus massoniana

HONG Yonghui1,2 , HU Jirui1, LIN Wenjiang1, CHEN Yabin1   

  1. 1.Wuyi National Forest Farm Fujian Province, Zhangping 364400, China;2. Masson Pine Research Center of Longyan Fujian Province, Zhangping 364400, China
  • Online:2011-11-28 Published:2011-11-28

摘要: 对马尾松种子园无性系亲本的产籽率、木材密度和11年生子代的材积生长量性状进行研究分析,以选择速生、优质、结实高产的种子园建园材料。结果表明:不同无性系的子代在树高、胸径、材积及产籽量、木材密度等性状上存在极显著差异。以材积、产籽量、木材密度为主要指标,选择出花期一致且三性状兼优的无性系20个,其单株材积均值0.076 8m3/株,比对照的增长206.1 %,遗传增益122.7 %;其产籽量均值为159.6g/株,比产籽量均值增长90.8 %,遗传增益74.5 %;木材密度为0.514 3g/cm3,比木材密度均值的增长7.8 %,遗传增益5.6 %。

Abstract: In order to select materials with fast growth, high wood quality and high seed production for advanced generation seed orchards of Pinus massoniana. The seed production and wood density of the clonal parents in the seed orchard, volume growth traits of 11year progenies were studied. Results showed that there were very significant differences among for all the traits studied. Taken tree volume, seed production and wood density as main selection traits, 55 superior clones with similar florescence were selected. The average volume of the 20 superior clones was 0.076 8 m3 per individual, increased by 206.1 %, and genetic gain was 122.7 %. The seed production was 159.6 g per individual, increased by 90.8 %, and genetic gain was 74.5 %. The average wood density was 0.514 3 g/cm3, increased by 7.8 %, and genetic gain was 5.6 %.
