南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1985, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (04): 41-50.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1985.04.006

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京林学院;南京林学院;安徽马鞍山市农林局
  • 出版日期:1985-12-18 发布日期:1985-08-18


Yan Aojin Xie Guolin (Nanjing Institute of Forestry)Feng Zhongxuan   

  1. Agr-forestry Bureau of Maansan, Anhui Province
  • Online:1985-12-18 Published:1985-08-18

摘要: <正>本文对危害毛竹杆部的重要竹蚧——拟白须盾蚧孤雌生殖型的形态、分布、寄主、危害、生物学特性及防治等作了较全面的研究。该虫分布于安徽、江苏、浙江等省。一年发生两代,以雌成虫越冬。第一与第二代雌成虫出现时间分别为7月初和9月中旬。两代产卵和孵化盛期基本一致,分别在6月中旬和8月上、中旬。卵量7~94粒。每代卵的平均孵化率,分别是92%和87.7%。11月下旬开始越冬。主要天敌有跳小蜂、红点唇瓢虫、和寡节瓢虫。药剂防治用50%马拉硫磷和25%亚胺硫磷乳剂1:1000倍液喷雾,有85%以上的杀虫效果。

Abstract: This paper reported on parthenogeneticto, morphological character, distribution host plant, damage and control of Kuwanaspis pseudoleucaspis (Kuwana) phyllo-stachys pubescens which is a major bamboo scale. This scale is found in Anhui, Jiangsu, and zhejiang provinces. It has two generations a year in Anhui and passes over winter in form of adult female. The female occures in early July and middle of September respectively. The peaks of laying and hatching eggs almost coincide. For the peak is in middle June and for the second, from early to middle August. Eeach female lays 7?4 eggs and hatching rate is 92% or 87.7% respectively for each generation, It passes winter in late November. The predominant natural enemies of the scale are parasitic Encyrtidae and pretory laby beetle Chilocorus kmvanae or Telsimia sp.With spray of 50% Malathion or 25% Imidan emulsion in 1000 times of water, the mortality rate of the scale would reach over 85%.