南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2013, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (05): 70-74.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.2013.05.014

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.浙江省森林资源监测中心,浙江杭州310020;
  • 出版日期:2013-10-18 发布日期:2013-10-18
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2013-03-26修回日期:2013-06-28 基金项目:国家林业局“948”项目(2013-4-13) 第一作者:徐达,工程师。 Email: xdnbblnfu@163.com。 引文格式:徐达,刘安兴,翁卫松,等. 基于AHP的县级森林综合效益最优目标规划[J]. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版,2013,37(5):70-74.

Study on optimal goal programming of the countylevel forest comprehensive benefit based on AHP

XU Da1,LIU Anxing1,WENG Weisong1,WEN Xiaorong2,TAN Ying1   

  1. 1.Center for Forest Resource Monitoring of Zhejiang Province,Hangzhou 310020, China;
    2. College of Forest Resources and Environment,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037,China
  • Online:2013-10-18 Published:2013-10-18

摘要: 为了探讨县级森林综合效益最优目标规划问题,构建了森林综合效益递阶结构模型,运用层次分析法(AHP)的指数标度法确定各层次因子间的判断矩阵,并对各个判断矩阵进行了检验,验证了森林综合效益递阶测度结构的一致性。根据森林综合效益最高原则,以大生态效益大于经济效益为约束条件,构建了有约束的线性最优目标规划模型,并对该模型符合实际问题的各个最优可行解进行了分析。结果表明:当严格保护等级和重点保护等级所占比例之和一定时,随着严格保护等级所占比例的增加,森林综合效益呈递增状态;当严格保护、重点保护、保护经营和集约经营等级之间所占比例为0.3∶0.1∶0.25∶0.35时,森林系统的综合效益目标达到最优。

Abstract: In order to explore the optimal goal programming of the countylevel forest comprehensive benefit, the hierarchical structure model of forest comprehensive benefit was established by using the exponential scale method of AHP for determing the judgment matrix, so that the hierarchy single ranking and general ranking could be inquired after consistency check of the matrix. A linear optimal goal programming model was constructed, according to the principle of achieving the highest forest comprehensive benefit and considering the large ecological benefit that was more important than economic benefit as the constraint condition. Furthermore, multiple optimal feasible solutions which conform to practical problems was also explored. The results also showed that the forest comprehensive benefit increased with the increase of proportion of strict protection when the total proportion of strict protection and emphasis protection is constant. The best optimal goal is achieved when the proportion among strict protection,emphasis protection,protection management and intensive management is 0.3∶0.1∶0.25∶0.35 respectively.
