南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2019, Vol. 62 ›› Issue (02): 114-120.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201805029

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


王保一1,张荣华2*,荆莎莎2,李 欢3,张春强3,黎家作3, 宋媛媛1,罗梦琦1,张光灿2   

  1. (1.南京林业大学林学院,江苏省水土保持与生态修复重点实验室,南方现代林业协同创新中心,江苏 南京 210037; 2.山东省土壤侵蚀与生态修复重点实验室,山东农业大学林学院,山东 泰安 271018; 3.淮河水利委员会淮河流域水土保持监测中心站,安徽 蚌埠 233001)
  • 出版日期:2019-03-30 发布日期:2019-03-30
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2018-05-10 修回日期:2018-07-31
    基金项目:淮河水利委员会项目(SBJ-2014-009); 全国水土流失动态监测与公告项目(HWSBJ201302); 山东省水文局项目(SWJ201601); 山东农业大学青年教师成长计划(山农大校字[2016]111号)。

Effects of rainfall and slope gradient on runoff and sediment yield of subgrade slope

WANG Baoyi1, ZHANG Ronghua2*, JING Shasha2, LI Huan3, ZHANG Chunqiang3, LI Jiazuo3, SONG Yuanyuan1, LUO Mengqi1, ZHANG Guangcan2   

  1. (1. College of Forestry, Nanjing Forestry University, Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Soil and Water Conservation and Ecological Restoration, Co-Innovation Center for the Sustainable Forestry in Southern China, Nanjing 210037, China; 2. The Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Ecological Restoration of Shandong Province, Forestry College of Shandong Agricultural University, Tai'an 271018, China; 3. Water and Soil Conservation Monitoring Center of Huaihe Water Resources Commission, Benbu 233001, China)
  • Online:2019-03-30 Published:2019-03-30

摘要: 【目的】分析降雨和坡度对铁路路基边坡产流产沙的影响,为胶东半岛区域铁路建设过程中路基区水土流失监测及防治提供技术支撑。【方法】采用人工模拟降雨试验,在3种雨强(20、40、60 mm/h)、2个坡度(30°、35°)模拟条件下,研究降雨、坡度对胶东铁路路基边坡产流产沙的影响。【结果】模拟降雨条件下,当降雨强度由20 mm/h增加到60 mm/h,相同坡度下的路基边坡产流起始时间缩短56~73 s; 当坡度由30°增大到35°,相同雨强下的路基边坡产流起始时间提前2~23s。径流量、产沙率在降雨初期剧增到峰值,之后径流量逐渐趋于稳定,而产沙率波动减小后逐渐趋于稳定。相同坡度条件下,雨强由20 mm/h增加到40 mm/h,径流量和产沙率分别增加37.8%~115.2%和67.0%~86.9%; 雨强由40 mm/h 增加到60 mm/h,径流量和产沙率分别增加54.7%~125.0%和144.5%~177.9%。相同雨强条件下,坡度30°~35°处于对径流侵蚀影响的临界坡度范围内,坡度对径流量、产沙率的影响较复杂,小雨强(20、40 mm/h)时,坡度是主要影响因素,35°边坡径流量、产沙率小于30°边坡; 大雨强(60 mm/h)时,降雨成为主要影响因素,35°边坡径流量大于30°边坡,而产沙率小于30°边坡。【结论】降雨、坡度对胶东铁路路基边坡产流起始时间、径流量、产沙率等有一定的影响,模拟降雨条件下,雨强和坡度的增加将缩短产流开始时间,尤以雨强的影响更加明显。

Abstract: 【Objective】Understanding the effects of rainfall and slope gradient on runoff and sediment yield of railway subgrade slope could provide technical support for soil and water loss monitoring during the construction of railway subgrade in the Jiaodong Peninsula region.【Method】By using rainfall simulation combined with three rainfall intensities(20 mm/h, 40 mm/h, and 60 mm/h)and two slope gradients(30° and 35°), the effects of rainfall and slope on runoff and sediment yield of railway subgrade slope were evaluated in the Jiaodong Peninsula region.【Result】Under the rainfall simulation, runoff starting time decreased by 56-73 s, with rainfall intensity increasing from 20 mm/h to 60 mm/h within the same slope gradient. Meanwhile, the starting time of runoff decreased by 2-23 s as the slope changed from 30° to 35° under the same rainfall intensity. Runoff and sediment yield increased sharply, reaching a peak during the early period of rainfall, and runoff gradually stabilized and the sediment yield decreased and gradually stabilized with time. Under the same slope gradient, runoff and sediment yield increased by 37.8%-115.2% and 67.0%-86.9%, respectively, when rainfall intensity increased from 20 mm/h to 40 mm/h. Furthermore, runoff and sediment yield increased by 54.7%-125.0% and 144.5%-177.9%, respectively, when rainfall intensity increased from 40 mm/h to 60 mm/h. Under the same rainfall intensity, the critical slope of runoff and sediment yield was located within the slope gradient between 30° and 35°. With low rainfall intensity(20 mm/h and 40 mm/h), the slope was the main factor for runoff and sediment yield, and runoff and sediment yield of 35° were less than that of 30°. However, when the rainfall intensity was 60 mm/h, rainfall was the main factor and the runoff at 35° was greater than 30°, though sediment yield was less than 30°.【Conclusion】Rainfall and slope gradient have an effect on the starting time of runoff, and results from this study provide reference data for soil erosion monitoring of railway subgrade in the Jiaodong Peninsula region.
