南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 125-130.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.202002029

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


阎雄飞(), 王亚文, 李刚, 刘永华, 张幼怡   

  1. 榆林学院生命科学学院,陕西 榆林 719000
  • 收稿日期:2020-02-20 修回日期:2020-06-18 出版日期:2020-07-22 发布日期:2020-08-13
  • 作者简介:阎雄飞(yxfei1220@126.com),副教授,博士,ORCID (0000-0001-7404-7387)。
  • 基金资助:

Trapping efficacy of different attractants and traps on Scythropus yasumatsui adults in field

YAN Xiongfei(), WANG Yawen, LI Gang, LIU Yonghua, ZHANG Youyi   

  1. College of Life Sciences, Yulin University, Yulin 719000, China
  • Received:2020-02-20 Revised:2020-06-18 Online:2020-07-22 Published:2020-08-13

摘要: 目的



2018年3月至2019年5月,在陕北佳县枣园分别设置不同配方引诱剂(A.罗勒烯;B.α-法尼烯;C.罗勒烯与α-法尼烯体积比为1∶1),5种诱捕器颜色(黄绿色、白色、红色、黑色、黄色)和5种诱捕器悬挂高度(距地面分别为0.4、0.8、1.2、1.6和2.0 m),比较分析对枣飞象成虫的诱集效果。


不同配方引诱剂日均诱虫量均显著高于对照,配方C日均诱虫量最高为2.66头/个,显著高于配方B和配方A。不同悬挂高度诱捕器的日均诱虫量由高到低依次为:距地面1.2 m 、距地面0.8 m 、距地面0.4 m、距地面1.6 m、距地面2.0 m,诱捕器悬挂高度为0.8 和1.2 m时诱捕到枣飞象的数量分别为3.58头/个和3.96头/个,显著高于其他3种高度。黄绿色诱捕器日均诱虫量最高为5.82头/个,明显高于其他4种颜色诱捕器;黄色诱捕器日均诱虫量最低为1.46头/个。


3种植物源配方引诱剂对枣飞象成虫都有一定诱集效果,以配方C引诱剂的诱集效果最好;黄绿色诱捕器对枣飞象诱集效果最好,黄色诱捕器诱集效果最差,诱捕器悬挂高度以距地面0.8 和1.2 m对枣飞象成虫诱集效果较好。研究发现,配方C引诱剂、黄色诱捕器、诱捕器悬挂高度为0.8 和1.2 m为最佳组合,建议在对枣飞象进行田间监测和防控的生产实践中应用。

关键词: 枣飞象, 引诱剂, 诱捕器颜色, 诱捕器悬挂高度, 诱集效果

Abstract: Objective

Scythropus yasumatsui is an important pest of jujube trees. In order to provide a theoretical basis for the field monitoring and control of this pest, trapping efficacy of different attractants, different colors of traps and different suspending heights on trapping S. yasumatsui adults in the field was compared.


Trapping efficacy of different attractants, different suspending height and color of traps on S. yasumatsu were tested in jujube orchard of northern Shaanxi from March 2018 to May 2019. The compositions of attractant A and attractant B were ocimene and α-farnesene, respectively. The composition of attractant C was the blends, in which ocimene volume ratios of and ocimene to α-farnesene was 1∶1. Five kinds of traps are yellow green, white, red, black and yellow,and the suspending heights of five kinds of traps are 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6 and 2.0 m,respectively.


The mean daily trapping amount of each trap of three kinds attractants was significantly higher than that of the control, and the highest mean daily trapping amount of each trap of attractant C was 2.66, significantly higher than that of the attractant B and attractant A. The mean daily trapping amount of each trap at different heights in a descending order were 0.8,1.2 , 0.4 ,1.6, 2.0 m above the ground. The mean daily trapping amount of each trap at 0.8 and 1.2 m was 3.58 and 3.96 respectively, which was significantly higher than the other three heights. The highest mean daily trapping number of yellow green traps is 5.82, which is significantly higher than that of the other four kinds of color traps, and the lowest mean daily trapping number of yellow traps is 1.46.


These suggested that all of three attractants for capturing S. yasunatsui had trapping efficacy, and attractant C had the best trapping efficacy. Yellow green traps had the best trapping efficacy for capturing weevles,while yellow traps had the worst. The hanging height of 0.8 and 1.2 m had the better trapping efficacy for capturing weevles.The feasible height on capturing S. yasunatsui of the trap 0.8 and 1.2 m, and yellow green traps were suitable for the capture S. yasunatsui. It was recommended that field monitoring and control of S. yasunatsui should be applied in production practice.

Key words: Scythropus yasumatsui, attractant, trap color, trap suspension height, trapping efficacy
