南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (3): 117-122.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202006050

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


吴丽君1,3,4(), 游云飞2, 陈达1, 陈文荣2, 李文芳2   

  1. 1.福建省林业科学研究院,福建 福州 350012
    2.福建省洋口国有林场,福建 顺昌 353211
    3.国家林业和草原局南方山地用材林培育重点实验室,福建 福州 350012
    4.福建省森林培育与林产品加工利用重点实验室,福建 福州 350012
  • 收稿日期:2020-06-28 修回日期:2021-02-26 出版日期:2021-05-30 发布日期:2021-05-31
  • 基金资助:

Optimization of the rooting and transplantation techinques of tissue-cultured shoots of Camellia chrysanthoides ‘Huangzun’

WU Lijun1,3,4(), YOU Yunfei2, CHEN Da1, CHEN Wenrong2, LI Wenfang2   

  1. 1. Fujian Academy of Forestry, Fuzhou 350012,China
    2. Yangkou Country Forest Farm, Shunchang 353211, China
    3. The Key Lab of Southern Mountain Timber Forest Cultivation of National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Fuzhou 350012,China
    4. The Key Lab of Forest Cultivation and Forest Products Processing and Utilization, Fuzhou 350012,China
  • Received:2020-06-28 Revised:2021-02-26 Online:2021-05-30 Published:2021-05-31


【目的】优化组培苗生根和移栽技术,提高‘黄樽’薄叶金花茶组培生根率和移栽成活率。【方法】以苗龄60 d的继代芽苗为材料,在优选基本培养基(1/2 B5、3/4 B5、B5)与植物生长调节剂(ABT、IBA)组合的基础上,研究2种培养基质[(V细河沙:V蛭石=1∶1)(河沙蛭石基质)、琼脂]与2种附加物(白糖、活性炭)形成的5种组合对生根率的影响;以河沙蛭石基质+1/2 B5+ABT 0.5 mg/L+IBA 0.5 mg/L为生根培养基,培养35 d,分别补充白糖15.0 g/L、K2HPO415.0 mg/L、白糖15.0 g/L+K2HPO415.0 mg/L及对照组(CK)等4种处理,培养65 d后,将生根苗移栽到V细河沙V蛭石=3∶1的基质上,研究4种处理对芽苗生根率、移栽成活率、芽苗茎粗和黄化率的影响。【结果】在优选的培养基1/2 B5+ABT 0.5~1.0 mg/L+IBA 0.5~1.0 mg/L+白糖15 g/L+琼脂6.0 g/L,芽苗生根率仅41.1%~42.2%;培养基质与附加物的5种组合对生根率的影响达极显著水平,河沙蛭石基质+白糖0 g/L和河沙蛭石基质+白糖15 g/L的生根率分别为84.4%和68.9%,高于传统的琼脂白糖组合;生根培养后期,4种处理对生根率的影响不显著,但对移栽成活率影响极显著,补充白糖15 g/L+K2HPO4 15.0 mg/L,克服了芽苗黄化,提高芽苗质量,进一步提高了芽苗生根率和移栽成活率,生根率和移栽成活率分别为91.1%和93.3%。【结论】 ‘黄樽’薄叶金花茶采用传统的白糖琼脂培养方式,其组培生根及组培苗移栽效果不理想。生根培养前期用河沙蛭石基质+1/2 B5+ABT 0.5~1.0 mg/L+IBA 0.5~1.0 mg/L的无糖培养,培养后期补充白糖15 g/L+K2HPO4 15.0 mg/L,是提高‘黄樽’薄叶金花茶生根率和移栽成活率的有效方法,也为其他组培生根困难的植物,尤其是金花茶组植物离体培养,提供了可借鉴的培养方法。

关键词: ‘黄樽’薄叶金花茶, 组培快繁, 生根率, 移栽成活率, ABT, 吲哚丁酸


【Objective】 We aimed to optimize rooting and transplanting techniques to improve the transplant survival rates of tissue-cultured shoots of Camellia chrysanthoides ‘Huangzun’. 【Method】 Tissue-cultured shoots were aged for 60 days. We optimized the content of basic media including 1/2 B5, 3/4 B5 and B5, and plant growth regulators (PGRs) including ABT and IBA. Differences in rooting rates were determined among five combinations of rooting substrates and additives, including agar 6.0 g/L+sugar 0 g/L, agar 6.0 g/L+sugar 15 g/L, agar 6.0 g/L+sugar 15 g/L+charcoal (AC) 3.0 g/L, substrate with 1Vsand+1Vvermiculite (sand-vermiculite substrate) +sugar 0 g/L, and sand-vermiculite substrate+sugar 15 g/L, and differences in shoot diameter, rooting, transplant survival, and yellowing rates were compared among media comprising sugar 15.0 g/L, K2HPO4 15.0 mg/L, sugar 15.0 g/L + K2HPO4 15.0 mg/L, and without sugar and K2HPO4, after the rooting-culture for 35 days, in sand-vermiculite substrate+ 1/2 B5 + ABT 0.5 mg/L + IBA 0.5 mg/L as rooting medium, and after 65 days, with 3Vsand + 1Vvermiculite as the transplant substrate. 【Result】 Rooting rates were 41.1%-42.2% on the optimized medium 1/2 B5 + ABT 0.5-1.0 mg/L + IBA 0.5-1.0 mg/L + sugar 15 g/L + agar 6.0 g/L. The difference in rooting rates was significant among the five combinations of rooting substrates and additives; the rooting rates on sand-vermiculite substrate without sugar and sand-vermiculite substrate + sugar 15 g/L were 84.4% and 68.9%, respectively, which were higher than those on traditional combinations of agar and sugar. Rooting rates on agar 6.0 g/L + sugar 0 g/L, agar 6.0 g/L + sugar 15 g/L, agar 6.0 g/L + sugar 15 g/L + charcoal (AC) 3.0 g/L, were 57.8%, 40.0% and 33.3%, respectively. Rooting rates did not significantly differ among the four conditions, but transplant survival rates significantly differed. The yellowing and quality of seedlings were respectively overcome and improved, the rooting rate reached 91.1%, and the transplant survival rate reached 93.3%, when sugar 15 g/L + K2HPO4 15.0 mg/L was added to the medium at the late stage of the rooting culture. 【Conclusion】 The effects of rooting and transplanting seedlings of C. chrysanthoides ‘Huangzun’ by using traditional culture on agar and sugar were not ideal. This method improved the rooting and transplant survival rates of C. chrysanthoides ‘Huangzun’, and provides a useful means for culturing other plants with rooting difficulties such as Camellia Sect. nitidissima Chi. We applied the sugar-free medium with sand-vermiculite substrate+ 1/2 B5 + 0.5-1.0 mg/L + IBA 0.5-1.0 mg/L at the early stage and added sugar 15 g/L + K2HPO4 15.0 mg/L to the medium at the late stage of rooting culture.

Key words: Camellia chrysanthoides ‘Huangzun’, tissue cultur and rapid propagation, rooting rate, transplantation survival rate, technical optimization, ABT, IBA
