南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (4): 195-200.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202006037

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


张运生1,2(), 舒立福1,*(), 闫想想3, 翟春婕2, 刘柯珍2   

  1. 1.中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所,国家林业和草原局森林保护学重点实验室,北京 100091
    2.南京森林警察学院,江苏 南京 210023
    3.西南林业大学土木工程学院,云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室,西南林业大学消防研究所,云南 昆明 650224
  • 收稿日期:2020-06-24 接受日期:2021-03-01 出版日期:2021-07-30 发布日期:2021-07-30
  • 通讯作者: 舒立福
  • 基金资助:

A study on flammability differences among four arbor species leaves in Guangxi

ZHANG Yunsheng1,2(), SHU Lifu1,*(), YAN Xiangxiang3, ZHAI Chunjie2, LIU Kezhen2   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Forest Protection, National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Research Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China
    2. Nanjing Forest Police College, Nanjing 210023, China
    3. Southwest Forestry University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Yunnan Key Laboratory of Forest Disaster Warning and Control, Kunming 650224, China
  • Received:2020-06-24 Accepted:2021-03-01 Online:2021-07-30 Published:2021-07-30
  • Contact: SHU Lifu


【目的】以广西4种乔木树种叶片为研究对象,测试其燃烧性能,为林火发生预测提供科学依据。【方法】以格木(Erythrophleum fordii)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana.)、台湾相思(Acacia confusa)和红椎木(Castanopsis hystrix)等4种乔木的叶片为材料,采用锥形量热仪对其燃烧性能进行测试,测定热释放速率(heat release rate,HRR)、总释放热(total heat release,THR)、烟生成速率(smoke produce rate,SPR)、烟释放总量(total smoke release,TSR)、质量损失速率(mass loss rate, MLR)等指标。【结果】①格木和红椎木的热释放速率(HRR)和质量损失速率(MLR)曲线近似,马尾松和台湾相思的HRR和MLR曲线近似,4种可燃物的总释放热(THR)、烟生成速率(SPR)和烟释放总量(TSR)曲线近似,但数值不同。②4种可燃物最大热释放速率大小顺序依次为:台湾相思(285.22 kW/m2)>马尾松(229.85 kW/m2)>格木(216.10 kW/m2)>红椎木(200.12 kW/m2)。4种可燃物THR大小顺序依次为:格木>红椎木>台湾相思>马尾松。4种可燃物的SPR峰值大小顺序依次为:格木(0.07 m2/s)>台湾相思(0.05 m2/s)>马尾松(0.04 m2/s)=红椎木(0.04 m2/s)。4种可燃物TSR大小顺序依次为:格木(191.94 m2/m2)>红椎木(162.83 m2/m2)>台湾相思(119.67 m2/m2)>马尾松(95.49 m2/m2)。4种可燃物的MLR大小顺序依次为:格木(4.92 g/s)>马尾松(2.68 g/s)>台湾相思(2.63 g/s)>红椎木(1.92 g/s)。【结论】4种树种叶片的燃烧性能有所差异。格木、红椎木、马尾林、台湾相思的叶片燃烧前期的HRR、THR、SPR和TSR相差不大,后期格木和红椎木明显高于马尾松和台湾相思,即格木和红椎木的叶片燃烧持续性高于马尾松和台湾相思的,更利于火灾持续。

关键词: 乔木树种, 锥形量热仪, 燃烧性, 热释放速率, 总释放热, 广西


【Objective】The combustibility of forest combustibles is mainly affected by surface combustibles and litter; hence, it is a comprehensive manifestation of different types of combustibles. Leaves, as small combustibles, affect the initial combustion and have an impact on fire behaviors during the period of fire spread. With the aim of obtaining combustion performances, and providing a scientific and theoretical basis for the forest fire behavior prediction, leaves from four trees, namely Erythrophleum fordii, Pinus massoniana, Acacia confusa and Castanopsis hystrix, were collected in Guangxi in December 2018 as research objects and measured those flammability. 【Method】 In this study, a cone calorimeter was used to test the combustion performance. It can be used to evaluate the combustion performance of materials, the flame-retardant mechanism of materials, and aid in the fire model building, which are the more advanced methods for small-scale combustion tests in the laboratory at present. The radiant heat flow was set to 50 kW/m 2. During the experiment, it was necessary to observe and record the phenomena occurring in the experiment, including smoke, deformation, shrinkage, ignition and extinguishment. Furthermore, during the experiment, the heat release rate (HRR), total heat release (THR), smoke production rate (SPR), total smoke release (TSR), mass loss rate (MLR) and other parameters were obtained. 【Result】 ① The HRR and MLR curves of Erythrophleum fordii and Castanopsis hystrix, respectively, were similar; while the HRR and MLR curves of Pinus massoniana and Acacia confusa, respectively, were similar. The THR, SPR and TSR curves of the four combustibles exhibited the same changing trends but with different values. ② The maximum HRR value was 285.22 kW/m 2, which was obtained from Acacia confusa. The HRR value of Pinus massoniana was 229.85 kW/m 2, which is higher than that of Castanopsis hystrix, which had a value of 216.10 kW/m 2. Meanwhile, the HRR value of Erythrophleum fordii was the lowest, which was 200.12 kW/m 2. The greater the release rate (HRR), the faster the thermal cracking speed of the combustible surface, which accelerates the flame expansion and spread, and increases its fire risk. The THR values of four types of combustibles were as follows: Erythrophleum fordii > Castanopsis hystrix > Acacia confusa > Pinus massoniana. Acacia confusa was the first to reach the highest value. Generally, the leaves that reach the highest value first are easier to burn. The SPR value of Erythrophleum fordii was 0.07 m 2/s, which is higher than that of Acacia confusa, which was 0.05 m 2/s. Additionally, the SPR of Pinus massoniana was 0.04 m 2/s, which was the same as that of Castanopsis hystrix. The TSR of Erythrophleum fordii was 191.94 m 2/m2, which was the highest when compared to the other three types of combustibles. Meanwhile, the TSR of Castanopsis hystrix was 162.83 m 2/m2, which is higher than Acacia confusa with 119.67 m 2/m2. The TSR of Pinus massoniana was the lowest with a value of 95.49 m 2/m2. The greater the total smoke release, the greater the risk of fire. The MLR value of Erythrophleum fordii was 4.92 g/s, which is higher than that of Pinus massoniana with a value of 2.68 g/s and the MLR value of Acacia confusa was 2.63 g/s, which was higher than that of Castanopsis hystrix with a value of 1.92 g/s. The MLR curve changes among the four combustibles are basically the same, and all first appeared to exhibit a sharp decline. The time taken for Pinus massoniana and Erythrophleum fordii to reach the maximum mass loss rate was 5 s, and the time taken for Acacia confusa to reach a maximum mass loss rate was 7 s. 【Conclusion】 The combustion performances of different tree species were different. Fire behaviors during forest burning events are very complicated and are made more complex by the diversity of the combustibles. The research results discussed in this paper are only experimental results from small-scale samples and low-intensity radiation levels, which are different from the conditions of the actual combustion process in forest fires. However, through a comparison of the differences in combustibility, we could have a deeper understanding of the combustible properties of combustibles, better explain the differences among the fire behaviors of different combustibles, and provide a scientific method for the development of biological fire protection.

Key words: arbor species, cone calorimeter, flammability, heat release rate, total heat release, Guangxi
