南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (5): 69-80.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202304035

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


闫平玉(), 张磊, 王佳兴, 冯可乐, 王浩浩, 张含国*()   

  1. 东北林业大学,林木遗传育种全国重点实验室,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-25 修回日期:2023-12-27 出版日期:2024-09-30 发布日期:2024-10-03
  • 通讯作者: * 张含国(hanguozhang1@sina.com),教授。
  • 作者简介:


  • 基金资助:

Analysis of genetic diversity and construction of core collections of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) natural population

YAN Pingyu(), ZHANG Lei, WANG Jiaxing, FENG Kele, WANG Haohao, ZHANG Hanguo*()   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China
  • Received:2023-04-25 Revised:2023-12-27 Online:2024-09-30 Published:2024-10-03


【目的】红松(Pinus koraiensis)是分布在中国东北地区的珍贵树种,由于近百年的人类干扰,其自然种群分布数量及范围逐渐减少。探究红松的遗传多样性和构建天然红松的核心种质,可为有效保存、管理和利用红松种质资源提供科学依据。【方法】以东北地区黑龙江省鹤北、五营、小北湖和鸡西,以及吉林省露水河5个保存现状良好的红松种群为研究对象,采用表型数据和分子标记相结合的方法,进行其核心种质构建。【结果】分子和表型方差分析结果均表明:红松天然种群的遗传变异主要来源于个体间,分别占总变异的96%和72.84%。鸡西种群与其他种群有着较远的遗传距离,平均遗传分化指数(Fst)为0.026 8,同时具有较高的遗传多样性,Shannon指数和表型多样性指数分别为1.111和2.00。结构分析表明5个红松天然种群没有明显亚群结构。不同林龄红松种群的遗传多样性没有明显变化,且较小林龄的种群不存在杂合缺失和近亲繁殖的现象,针叶性状与地理因素存在广泛的相关性,造成不同红松种群的表型分化。【结论】以分子和表型标记共同构建30%取样比例的红松核心种质,Shannon指数与表型多样性指数分别为1.076、2.018,能够较好地代表红松天然种群的遗传现状,也能更好地促进红松种质资源管理、保护和利用;根据红松遗传结构特征,建议重点从原地保护方面开展对红松天然种质的保护,以促进红松天然种群的生态恢复、种质保护及利用。

关键词: 红松, 天然种群, 遗传多样性, 遗传结构, 核心种质, 林木育种, 乡土树种


【Objective】 Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) is a valuable tree species that is distributed throughout northeastern China. Over the past century, human interference has led to a gradual decrease in the number of individuals and distribution of its natural population. Assessing the genetic diversity and building a core collection of natural Korean pine could provide a scientific basis for the effective conservation, management, and utilization of Korean pine germplasm resources. 【Method】 A total of five well-preserved natural populations of Korean pine in Hebei, Wuying, Xiaobeihu and Jixi in Heilongjiang Province and Lushuihe in Jilin Province in northeast China were studied. A combination of phenotypic data and molecular markers was used to construct the core collection. 【Result】 Molecular and phenotypic ANOVA results showed that the genetic variation of Korean pine natural populations mainly originated from inter-individual differences, which accounted for 96% and 72.84% of the total variation, respectively. The Jixi population was genetically distant from other populations, with an average Fst of 0.026 8. It also had a high genetic diversity, with Shannon and phenotypic diversity index values of 1.111 and 2.00, respectively. The population structure analysis showed that the five Korean pine natural populations had no obvious subpopulation structure. There were no significant changes in the genetic diversity of Korean pine populations among the different forest ages. Additionally, in the younger forest there was no evidence of heterozygous deletions or inbreeding. There was a broad correlation between needle traits and geographic factors, resulting in the phenotypic differentiation of Korean pine populations. 【Conclusion】 The Shannon and phenotypic diversity indexes of the core collection constructed by combining molecular and phenotypic markers with a 30% sampling ratio were 1.076 and 2.018, respectively, which was representative of the genetic status of Korean pine populations. This information can be used to better manage the germplasm resources of Korean pine and promote its protection and use. The genetic structure characteristics indicated a need to focus on in situ protection of the natural germplasm and to promote ecological recovery, germplasm protection, and use of Korean pine.

Key words: Korean pine(Pinus koreciensis), natural populations, genetic diversity, genetic structure, core collection, forest breeding, native trees
