南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 165-168.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202104039

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


肖诗雅(), 高翠青*()   

  1. 南京林业大学林学院,南方现代林业协同创新中心,江苏 南京 210037
  • 收稿日期:2021-04-23 接受日期:2021-09-10 出版日期:2022-05-30 发布日期:2022-06-10
  • 通讯作者: 高翠青
  • 基金资助:

One newly-recorded genus and species of Oxycarenidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from China

XIAO Shiya(), GAO Cuiqing*()   

  1. Co-Innovation Center for Sustainable Forestry in Southern China, College of Forestry, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
  • Received:2021-04-23 Accepted:2021-09-10 Online:2022-05-30 Published:2022-06-10
  • Contact: GAO Cuiqing


【目的】尖长蝽科(Oxycarenidae)昆虫隶属于异翅亚目长蝽总科(Lygaeoidea),多取食植物的种子,是重点关注的农林业害虫。本研究记载一采自新疆阿勒泰地区哈巴河县的中国新记录种——古北暗翅长蝽,藉此进一步修订国内的尖长蝽科类群,补充尖长蝽科分类学研究资料。【方法】用蔡司(Zeiss Discovery V20)体视解剖镜对已采集的尖长蝽科类群昆虫标本的整体和局部结构进行观察比较,之后对雄虫生殖器进行解剖,并使用体视解剖镜连接拍照系统,分别聚焦拍摄虫体不同平面的照片并进行叠加,以获得虫体各部分均较为清晰的图片。同时使用徕卡M205FA体视解剖镜和相机,以及配套软件(版本4.5.0)进行雄虫生殖器官的叠加拍照和测量信息获取。【结果】研究发现采自新疆阿勒泰地区哈巴河县的种类与国内已记录种类不符。该种长翅型,整体呈三角形,从头顶至腹末端逐渐加宽,体背面有光泽。体长3.85~4.15 mm,体宽1.70~1.80 mm。头较尖,长略等于宽。小颊短小。触角第Ⅰ节不伸过中叶端部,触角瘤由背面可见。喙伸达中足基节前缘。触角和喙黑褐色。复眼远离前胸背板前缘。头部、前胸背板前叶黑褐色,前胸背板后叶深褐色,后缘土黄色。头部、前胸背板和小盾片具浓密刻点。前翅整体色暗,宽大,革片端缘内凹。革片上翅脉与底色同色、稍隆凸。爪片具3列清晰的刻点。膜片长度超过腹部末端,黑褐色,基部与革片相接处具一淡褐色条带,膜片外侧两条纵脉二分叉。臭腺黄白色、发达、伸出。前足股节端部无刺或具一小刺。各足股节、第Ⅲ跗节黑褐色;转节、胫节和第Ⅰ、Ⅱ跗节黄褐色;爪黑色。腹部周缘黑褐色,中部红褐色。生殖节开口后缘和杯状骨片愈合;杯状骨片端缘具深缺刻。抱握器外突大且圆,内突极小且尖,抱握器基部叶片弯曲成直角。【结论】经鉴定证实,该虫为尖长蝽科的中国新记录属——暗翅长蝽属(Philomyrmex Sahlberg, 1848)以及新记录种古北暗翅长蝽(Philomyrmex insignis Sahlberg, 1848)。

关键词: 长蝽总科, 暗翅长蝽属, 古北暗翅长蝽, 古北区, 新记录, 中国


【Objective】The Oxycarenidae belongs to Lygaeoidea, Heteroptera. Most of the Oxycarenid species feed on seeds, as pests of agriculture or forestry, usually causing substantial economic damage. This paper documents the newly-recorded species Philomyrmex insignis Sahlberg, 1848, which was collected from Habahe County, Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang. We aim to revise the current domestic Oxycarenidae groups to promote the taxonomic research progress on Oxycarenidae. 【Method】The detailed structures of the Oxycarenid specimens were observed and compared, and then the male genitalia were dissected and photographed. Composite images and measurements were obtained using V20 Zeiss Discovery and M205FA Leica stereomicroscopes and camera using Leica Application Suite software (version 4.5.0).【Result】One species was found to be different from the other recorded Oxycarenid species in China, which was collected from Habahe County, Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang. This species is macroptery. The body is almost triangular, gradually widening from the head to the end of abdomen. The dorsal surface is shining. The body length is 3.85-4.15 mm, width is 1.70-1.80 mm. Head is pointed, length approximately equal to width. Bucculae are short. Distal end of first antennal segment is nearly reaching apex of vertex. Tubercules antennifer are visible from dorsal view. Labium is reaching anterior margin of mesocoxa. Antennae and labium are blackish brown. Eyes are far away from the front edge of the pronotum. Head, anterior lobe of pronotum are blackish brown; posterior lobe of pronotum is dark brown; posterior margin of pronotum is dark claybank. Head, pronotum and scutellum have dense punctures. Hemelytra are dark and broad, distal margin of corium is distinctly concave. Corial veins are the same colour as background and inconspicuously carinate. Clavus has three clear rows of punctures. Length of membrane is surpassing apex of abdomen. Membrane is blackish brown with light brown base line near corium. Two outer veins are of membrane bifurcate. Ostiolar peritreme of metathoracic scent gland is pale yellow, well developed, protruding. Fore femora is without or with only one distinct spine. Most parts of femora are dark brown except base and apex ochraceous. Tibiae are ochraceous. Tarsi are ochraceous except last segment dark brown. Claws are black. Lateral margins of sternites are blackish brown, and middle parts of sternites are reddish brown. Posterior margin of pygophore and cuplike sclerite are fused together; distal margin of cuplike sclerite possesses a deep gap. Dorsal lobe of paramere is large and rounded; vental lobe of paramere is very small and pointed; blade of paramere bent right-angled with basal part of paramere.【Conclusion】The monotypic genus Philomyrmex Sahlberg, 1848 is newly recorded from China. The newly recorded species Philomyrmex insignis Sahlberg, 1848 is redescribed in detail and images of habitus and male genitalia are provided too.

Key words: Lygaeoidea, Philomyrmex, Philomyrmex insignis, Palaearctic region, new record, China
