南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (6): 9-16.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202210025

所属专题: “攥紧中国种子”视域下的中国林草种业研究专题Ⅱ

• 专题报道Ⅰ:“攥紧中国种子”视域下的中国林草种业研究专题Ⅱ(执行主编 施季森 李维林) • 上一篇    下一篇


王章荣1(), 季孔庶1,*(), 徐立安1, 邹秉章2, 林能庆2, 林景泉2   

  1. 1.林木遗传育种全国重点实验室,南京林业大学林木遗传与生物技术省部共建教育部重点实验室, 国家林业和草原局林木遗传与基因工程重点开放性实验室,南方现代林业协同创新中心,江苏 南京 210037
    2.福建省上杭县白砂国有林场,福建 上杭 364200
  • 收稿日期:2022-10-19 修回日期:2023-07-03 出版日期:2023-11-30 发布日期:2023-11-23
  • 通讯作者: *季孔庶(ksji@njfu.edu.cn),教授。
  • 基金资助:

New management model of construction techniques, realistic genetic gain and low cost multi-generation improvement in seedling seed orchard of Pinus massoniana

WANG Zhangrong1(), JI Kongshu1,*(), XU Li’an1, ZOU Bingzhang2, LIN Nengqing2, LIN Jingquan2   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding, Key Laboratory of Forest Genetics & Biotechnology of Ministry of Education, Key Open Laboratory of Forest Genetics and Genetic Engineering of National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Co-Innovation Center for Sustainable Forestry in Southern China,Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
    2. Baisha State-Owned Forest Farm of Shanghang County, Fujian Province, Shanghang 364200, China
  • Received:2022-10-19 Revised:2023-07-03 Online:2023-11-30 Published:2023-11-23


【目的】分析马尾松(Pinus massoniana)自由授粉实生种子园营建关键技术及现实遗传增益,提出实生种子园多世代低成本经营新模式建议。【方法】以选自福建省马尾松优良种源区的212株优树育成198个家系苗木为实生种子园营建材料,2003年建立了实生种子园的自由授粉子代测定林。种子园设计分2种:①种子园生产群体与子代测定群体合成一体;②种子生产群体与子代测定群体分离建立。种子园良种生产区根据遗传测定家系评价信息分别进行3次遗传疏伐。【结果】经遗传疏伐的马尾松自由授粉实生种子园6年生子代测定结果表明,材积生长量的现实遗传增益为8.5%。在对比示范林中,种子园良种的材积生长量超过未改良林分种子30%。DNA分子检测结果表明,种子园生产群体具有较高的随机交配程度和遗传多样性。由此证明,福建上杭县白砂国有林场马尾松第1代自由授粉实生种子园营建是成功的。成功的关键从技术上看有以下3点:①保证优树选择的质量和数量,是实现实生种子园遗传增益和后续遗传改良的基础;②子代测定群体及时遗传评价和生产群体的科学遗传疏伐,是种子园营建成功的关键措施;③实生种子园交配系统检测与调控及日常管护,是确保种子园运行正常的必要条件。从林木育种项目管理与实施上看,南京林业大学与福建省林木种苗总站及福建省上杭县白砂国有林场有着长期良好协作关系,从林木育种长期性共同事业出发,坚持至今,这也是确保种子园营建成功的重要条件。【结论】马尾松自由授粉实生种子园的改良途径是可行且有效的。总结认为:①对于像桉树、马尾松等这类较为速生的树种,营建种子园后对植株不进行修剪矮化,采用“测定群体与生产群体合成一体”的技术路线,具有更大优越性。②建园树种主要性状的幼年—成年相关信息尚未掌握,而种子园植株需要进行修剪矮化时,则采用另建优树自由授粉子代测定林,以取得遗传评价数据作为种子园生产区遗传疏伐的指导依据是有价值的。建议将多世代种子园建立在隔离条件良好、地形较平缓地点,种子园植株不用修剪矮化即保持自然树形,种子园良种生产任务完成后,转化成森林旅游林、森林康养林或用材储备林,以充分发挥森林多种功能效用,降低林木良种基地经营成本。这是值得探讨的实生种子园多世代低成本营建的新模式。

关键词: 马尾松, 实生种子园, 现实遗传增益, 遗传疏伐, 种子园植株修剪矮化, 良种基地经营模式


【Objective】This manuscript described the realized genetic gain and construction techniques of an open-pollinated seedling and seed orchard of Masson pine (Pinus massoniana). 【Method】The orchard was established in the 1990 to 1992 period and covers an area of 33.33 hm2 in Baisha State-Owned Forest Farm, Shanghang County, Fujian Province, China. The orchard comprises more than 198 families of trees that were intensively selected from the excellent provenance area of Fujian Province. The orchard design was classified into two types: (1) Combined design of seed production area with progeny test area. (2) Separated design of seed production area and progeny test area. Based on the results of open-pollinated forests progeny test, trees with the lower breeding values were removed from the seed orchard (genetic thinning) on three occasions in 2000, 2004 and 2008, respectively. In 2003, a progeny test forest with seedlings from 68 half-sib families of the seedling seed orchard including a commercial check was established.【Result】A realistic genetic gain of 8.5% was obtained based on a test of 6-year offspring of Masson pine open-pollinated seedling seed orchard, and the volume growth of improved seed plantation was increased by 30% more than that of the unimproved stand. The results of simple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular analysis showed that the seedling seed orchards had high genetic diversity and random mating degree. The establishment of the first generation free-pollinated seed garden of Masson pine was successful. The following are the two key findings: (1) Quality and quantity of superior tree selection is the basis for achieving high genetic gain and continuing genetic improvement. (2) Scientific genetic evaluation of the progeny population and genetic thinning in the production population are the key techniques. (3) The detection, regulation and daily management of the mating system in a seed orchard are important conditions to ensure the normal operation of the orchand. 【Conclusion】 (1) For some fast-growing tree species such as eucalyptus and Masson pine, the seed orchard crops are not appropriate for pruning and dwarfing culture. It is more advantageous to adopt the technique of “Integrating the measured population and the producing population” to build the orchard. (2) Information regarding juvenile-adult correlation of the main traits of the established tree species is not yet available. It is necessary to carry out pruning and dwarfing culture. It is valuable to use the separated design of seed production area and progeny test area and to use the genetic evaluation data obtained from the separated progeny test to guide the genetic thinning of production population in the seed orchard production. In a word, the multi-generation seed orchard should be established in a location with good isolation conditions and relatively gentle terrain, and the orchard crops should be maintained without pruning and dwarfing to retain the natural tree shape. After completion of the production task in the seed orchards, the seed orchard trees could be transformed into forest tourism forest, forest health forest or timber reserve forest, to give full play to the multiple functions of the forest and reduce the operating cost of the forest improved seed base. This is a new model of multi-generation low-cost construction of seed orchards worth exploring.

Key words: Pinus massoniana, seedling seed orchard, realized genetic gain, genetic thinning, seed orchard crops pruning and dwarfing, improved seed base management mode
