南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2014, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (06): 17-22.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.2014.06.004

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方 岳1,刘 华1*,白志强2,臧润国3,张 帆1,叶 高1,韩燕梁2   

  1. 1.安徽农业大学林学与园林学院,安徽 合肥 230036;
    2.新疆林业科学研究院森林生态研究所, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830063;
    3.中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所,北京 100091
  • 出版日期:2014-12-31 发布日期:2014-12-31
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2013-11-10 修回日期:2014-03-02
    基金项目:“十二五”农村领域国家科技支撑计划(2012BAD22B0301); 新疆科技计划项目(xjlk(2013)001)
    第一作者:方岳,硕士生。*通信作者:刘华,副教授。E-mail: liuhuanmg@126.com。
    引文格式:方岳,刘华,白志强,等. 新疆喀纳斯保护区森林碳储量及碳密度研究[J]. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版,2014,38(6):17-22.

Spatial pattern of carbon storage and carbon density in forest vegetation of the Kanas National Natural Reserve

FANG Yue1,LIU Hua1*,BAI Zhiqiang2,ZANG Runguo3,ZHANG Fan1,YE Gao1,HAN Yanliang2   

  1. 1. School of Forestry &
    Landscape Architecture,Anhui Agricultural University,Hefei 230036,China;
    2. Institute of Forest Ecology,Xinjiang Forestry Academy,Urumqi 830063,China;
    3. Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing 100091,China
  • Online:2014-12-31 Published:2014-12-31

摘要: 基于森林资源二类清查数据资料,利用材积源生物量法和平均生物量法,计算新疆喀纳斯国家自然保护区内森林植被的碳储量及其空间分布。结果表明:保护区内森林植被碳储量为3.004 7 Tg,平均碳密度为49.58 Mg/hm2。不同植被类型碳储量从大到小排序为:乔木林地、灌木林地、疏林地、散生木,其中乔木林地碳储量占到森林植被总碳储量的90.18%,各乔木林地的平均碳密度为68.87 Mg/hm2。区域分布上,林分碳储量、碳密度的空间分布呈现出西南高东北低的趋势; 而保护区内成、过熟林分的碳储量共占乔木林地碳储量的79.89%,若对现有森林采取合理的经营管理,可增加其碳汇能力。

Abstract: Carbon storage and its spatial distribution in forest vegetation of the Kanas National Nature Reserve were estimated by both volume-derived and average biomass methods according to the data from Forest Resource Inventory. Results showed that carbon storage was 3.004 7 Tg,and mean carbon density 49.58 Mg/hm2. The carbon storage was in the sequence of standing forest, shrub forest, open forest and scattered trees. Carbon storage of the standing forests accounted for 90.18% of the total in this area. The average carbon density of standing forests was 68.87 Mg/hm2. Regional distribution of the forest carbon storage and carbon density had a trend of increase from southeast to northwest. The carbon storage of the standing forests was mainly consisted by mature and over matured forests,accounting for 79.89% of the total forest carbon storage in the area. This implies the proper management of the present forests could increase the carbon sequestration of the forest ecosystems.
