南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2015, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (05): 81-86.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.2015.05.013

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


胡嘉伟1,刘 勇1*,马履一1,李国雷1,贾忠奎1,王 琰1,娄军山1,杨晓辉2   

  1. 1. 省部共建森林培育与保护教育部重点实验室(北京林业大学),北京 100083;
    2.河北省平泉县国有黄土梁子林场, 河北 平泉 067506
  • 出版日期:2015-10-15 发布日期:2015-10-15
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2014-09-20 修回日期:2015-01-22
    基金项目:国家林业公益性行业科研专项项目(201004021); 国家林业局“948”项目(2012-4-26)
    第一作者:胡嘉伟,硕士生。*通信作者:刘勇,教授。E-mail: lyong@bjfu.edu.cn。
    引文格式:胡嘉伟,刘勇,马履一,等. 园林废弃物堆肥替代油松容器苗基质材料的研究[J]. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版,2015,39(5):81-86.

Effects of garden waste compost addictive in growing medium on Pinus tabulaeformis container seedlings

HU Jiawei1,LIU Yong1*,MA Lüyi1,LI Guolei1 , JIA Zhongkui1,WANG Yan1,LOU Junshan1,YANG Xiaohui2   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education(Beijing Forestry University), Beijing 100083, China;
    2. Pingquan County Huangtuliangzi State-owned Forest Farm of Hebei Province, Pingquan 067506,China
  • Online:2015-10-15 Published:2015-10-15

摘要: 在草炭与珍珠岩的混合基质中,通过逐渐增加园林废弃物堆肥的比例以部分替代草炭,分析了园林废弃物堆肥作为油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)容器苗培养基质材料的可行性; 试验设置堆肥添加比例0~50%组成共6种基质配方,研究不同基质配方对油松容器苗生长及各基质理化性质的影响。结果表明:当配方中园林废弃物堆肥添加比例≤40%时,出苗率能达到80%的生产指标,且苗木合格率均能达到出圃标准; 堆肥添加比例≤20%处理下的苗高、地径、高径比、主根长、根生物量与常用草炭处理均无显著差异; 混合基质中园林废弃物堆肥比例的加大,能促进苗木各组织氮质量分数的显著增大,能显著促进苗木叶对钾的吸收,这可能有利于造林。所有基质处理物理性质及pH均处于育苗的适宜范围内,化学指标检测显示逐渐增加园林废弃物堆肥后,各基质全氮、碱解氮、速效钾显著提高,这可能是导致苗木各组织氮、叶钾水平增大的主要原因; Fe、Mn、Cu、Cr等微量元素含量显著增大,但却未超过育苗基质的安全范围。部分基质中养分水平的过量以及EC值偏高可能是导致苗木出苗率降低、苗木质量下降的主要因素。因此,园林废弃物堆肥添加比例≤40%,对于油松容器苗是一种可行的育苗基质; 当园林废弃物堆肥添加比例≤20%时,能生产出相对高质量的苗木,也能节约成本并利于环保。因此,油松容器苗基质最佳配方比例为:草炭55%,珍珠岩25%,园林废弃物堆肥添加比例20%。

Abstract: The garden waste compost was tested for feasibility as a component(0-50%)of a container medium for growing Pinus tabulaeformis container seedlings in a greenhouse. The physical and chemical properties of different mediums and their effects on the growth of seedlings were studied. When the proportions of garden waste compost reaching 40%, seedling germination percentage could achieve 80% production index requirements and rate of qualified seedlings could meet the standard. Compared to the peat treatment, seedling height, diameter, height to diameter ratio, tap root length and root biomass did not exhibite significant changes. As the composition of compost in the mixed medium increasing, it could increase the N mass fraction in seedlings significantly, also significantly promote the absorption of K in seedling foliar,and this might be good for outplanting. The physical properties and pH of all the treatments were suitable to grow seedlings, the test showed that total N, alkaline hydrolytic N, rapidly available K increased significantly when garden waste compost increasing, this might be the main reason to increase the N, K contents of seedlings. The available Fe、Mn、Cu and Cr also increased significantly,but they were all suitable for planting. Higher nutrient levels and EC might be the main reason to decrease the germination percentage and seedling quality. In general, in proportions of up to 40% in peat treatment, the compost additive used was shown to be a feasible material for seedling growing in greenhouses; while it could produce relatively high quality of seedlings when the growing media contained compost in proportions of 20%.In this study, combined with the substrates materials cost and environmental factors,the best medium prescription is 55% peat, 25% perlite and 20% compost.
