南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2018, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (04): 187-192.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201712011

• 研究简报 • 上一篇    下一篇


史 莹1,2,叶洁楠3,王 梦1,费文君1*   

  1. 1.南京林业大学风景园林学院,江苏 南京 210037; 2.金陵科技学院园艺园林学院,江苏 南京 210038; 3.南京林业大学艺术设计学院, 江苏 南京 210037
  • 出版日期:2018-07-27 发布日期:2018-07-27
  • 基金资助:
    基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(31700629) 第一作者:史莹(693421940@qq.com),博士生。*通信作者:费文君(wjfei115@126.com),副教授,博士。

Application of internet of things technology to the design of disaster prevention and refuge function in urban integrated parks

SHI Ying1,2, YE Jienan3, WANG Meng1, FEI Wenjun1*   

  1. 1.College of Landscape Architecture, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China; 2. College of Horticulture and Landscape, Jinling Institute of Technology, Nanjing 210038, China; 3. College of Art Design, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
  • Online:2018-07-27 Published:2018-07-27

摘要: 【目的】城市综合公园因其用地性质及要素分布,是城市灾害发生时的重要“防灾区”。但是传统防灾避险已难以面对城市建设中错综复杂的条件与要求,引入物联网技术可以提升防灾避险功能,解放人力,实现高效管理。【方法】剖析目前综合公园防灾避险管理功能中数据采集方式的缺陷,针对性地引入物联网技术,实现更快、更准确地采集公园防灾设施以及避难者活动情况的数据。根据公园平灾结合的原则,以常州市红梅公园为例,对平时和灾时两种情况进行分类探讨,构建合理的综合公园防灾避险管理机制。【结果】通过在公园防灾设施上贴入RFID标签,将RFID手环下发避难者两种方式,再结合读写器读取信息,从而准确、快速地采集公园防灾设施以及避难者活动情况数据; 建立了物联网技术下有序的公园门票管理系统、灾时避难者疏散数据收集系统、救灾物资智能发放系统,并制定防灾设施以及避难者疏散、安置的工作流程,完善城市综合公园防灾避险管理体系。【结论】在物联网技术支持下,综合公园的防灾避险机制能够合理、有序地掌握防灾设施的使用情况,实时、精准地把控避难者的流动信息,快速、便捷地分发救灾物资,进而提升其管理效率。

Abstract: Abstract: 【Objective】Urban comprehensive parks are important “prevention areas” of urban disasters due to the nature of their land use and distribution of infrastructure in those spaces. However, traditional disaster prevention and risk avoidance methods have been unable to meet the intricate conditions and requirements of urban construction, introducing the internet of things technology, that can improve disaster prevention and risk management functions, liberate manpower, and achieve efficient management.【Method】This article analyzes the shortcomings of data collection methods in disaster prevention and risk management functions of the comprehensive park, and introduces the internet of things technology in a targeted manner. Two methods were used to attach RFID tags to park disaster prevention facilities and deliver the RFID bracelet to asylum-seekers. Combined with RFID readers, data of park disaster prevention facilities and refugees' activities can be accurately and quickly collected. At the same time, according to the principles of combining park disasters with disasters, the Hongmei Park in Changzhou City was taken as an example. The situation was divided into two situations in peace time and disaster time.【Result】The Hongmei Park was used as an example to read information through readers by inserting RFID tags on park disaster prevention facilities and sending RFID bracelets to asylum-seekers. Accurate and rapid collection of disaster prevention facilities and data on the activities of refugees was accomplished. Additionally, an orderly park ticket management system was established under the internet of things technology, as well as an evacuation data collection system for refugees during disasters, and an intelligent disaster relief material distribution system. Further, disaster prevention facilities, work procedures for evacuation and resettlement of asylum-seekers, and an improved management system for disaster prevention for urban comprehensive parks were developed.【Conclusion】Based on the internet of things technology, the comprehensive park disaster prevention and risk avoidance process can use disaster prevention facilities in a rational and orderly manner, in real-time, accurately grasp the flow of information of refugees, and quickly and easily distribute disaster relief materials to improve management efficiency.
