南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2019, Vol. 62 ›› Issue (01): 118-126.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201712044

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


王贤广1,2,王峥嵘1,2,何小勇2,练发良2,洪 震2,王军锋2,杜有新2,唐 丽1*   

  1. 1.中南林业科技大学林学院,湖南 长沙 410000; 2.浙江省丽水市林业科学研究院,浙江 丽水 323000
  • 出版日期:2019-01-28 发布日期:2019-01-28
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2017-12-28 修回日期:2018-04-21基金项目:浙江省重大科技专项重点农业项目(2015C02SAB00004)。 第一作者:王贤广(414065421@qq.com)。*通信作者:唐丽(435629404@qq.com),教授,ORCID(0000-0002-0338-712x)。引文格式:王贤广,王峥嵘,何小勇,等. 浙西南秋季林相美景度及其最优颜色构成模式研究[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版),2019,43(1):118-126.

The beauty degree of forest facies and its optimal color composition pattern in the southwest Zhejiang Province in autumn

WANG Xianguang1,2, WANG Zhenrong1,2, HE Xiaoyong2, LIAN Faliang2, HONG Zhen2,WANG Junfeng2, DU Youxin2, TANG Li1*   

  1. 1. College of Forestry, Central South University of Forestry and Technology,Changsha 410000,China; 2. Lishui Academy of Forestry of Zhejiang Province,Lishui 323000,China
  • Online:2019-01-28 Published:2019-01-28

摘要: 【目的】研究景观因子对浙西南山地秋季林相美景度影响,建立景观评价模型,并依据景观评价模型分析最优颜色构成模式。【方法】以浙西南山地秋季林相景观为研究对象,采用SBE法(美景度评价法)评价山地林相的美景度,对构景要素进行分解,计算色相对比度,对数据进行标准化处理,建立景观评价模型。在上述模型的基础上根据各颜色成分要素间的关系,以数学方法求得最优颜色构成模式。【结果】剔除自变量的运算显示5个景观因子(色相对比度、绿色占比、黄色占比、红色占比、郁闭度)与美景度的偏相关系数都比较高,所以用这5个景观因子的25个类目建立景观评价模型,建立的山地秋季林相美景度模型为:YSBE=-0.548-0.062 x7b+0.302 x7c+1.176 x7d-0.149 x8b+0.640 x8d+0.885 x8e+0.060 x9b+0.274 x9c+0.311 x9d+0.837 x9e+0.170 x11b+0.237 x11c+0.182 x11d+1.554 x11e-0.637 x17b+0.066 x17c-0.578 x17d-0.492 x17e,检验显示,评价模型的可信度高。红色占比的得分贡献百分比最大(30.0%),可见红色占比对模型的贡献率最大,色相对比度、绿色占比、黄色占比、郁闭度的贡献率依次减小。色相对比度为72~144时色相对比度和SBE值呈正比; 绿色占比在60%以上时,绿色占比与SBE值呈正比; 黄色占比与红色占比基本都与SBE值呈正比,郁闭度仅在70%~80%时与SBE值呈正比。综合绿色占比、黄色占比、红色占比和色相对比度这些因子,单从颜色对视觉感受的影响角度构筑关系式,使用枚举法求得当绿色占比以50%~60%、黄色占比为0~10%、红色占比为30%~40%时为山地秋季林相的最优颜色构成模式。【结论】颜色对美景度有重要影响,色相对比度、绿色占比、黄色占比、红色占比、郁闭度这5个景观因子与山地秋季林相美景度有很高的相关性,并得到了可信度高的线性评价模型; 绿色占比在60%以上时绿色占比与SBE值呈正比,黄色占比与红色占比基本都与SBE值呈正比,色相对比度最佳值为36~72,林地的最佳郁闭度为70%~80%; 综合绿色占比、黄色占比、红色占比和色相对比度这些因子,从颜色对视觉感受的影响角度来看,绿色成分占50%~60%、黄色成分占0~10%、红色成分占30%~40%为浙西南山地秋季林相的最优颜色构成模式。最后根据研究结果提出了使山地秋季林相具有更高美景度的经营策略和林相改造方法。

Abstract: 【Objective】We established a landscape evaluation model to determine which landscape factors had the greatest influence on the beauty degree. Based on the evaluation model, we determined the optimal color composition pattern. 【Method】Based on the landscape of the autumn forest in southwest Zhejiang Province, the scenic beauty estimation method(SBE)was used to evaluate the beauty of mountain forest facies, and we decomposed the elements, calculated the color contrast, standardized the data, and established a landscape evaluation model. On the basis of the above model, the optimal color composition pattern could be obtained mathematically according to the relationship among the color components. 【Result】The calculation of the independent variables showed that the partial correlation coefficients of the five landscape factors, hue contrast ratio, green proportion, yellow proportion, red proportion, and canopy density, relatively affected the beauty degree. We decided to use the five landscape factors of 25 categories to establish a landscape evaluation model. The landscape evaluation model was:YSBE=-0.548-0.062x7b+0.302x7c+1.176x7d-0.149x8b+0.640x8d+0.885x8e+0.060x9b+0.274x9c+0.311x9d+0.837x9e+0.170x11b+0.237x11c+0.182x11d+1.554x11e-0.637x17b+0.066x17c-0.578x17d-0.492x17e, and the results showed that the evaluation model had a high degree of reliability. The red proportion had the highest percentage of contribution to the largest score, reaching 30.0%. Thus, the red proportion had the largest contribution rate to the model, and hue contrast ratio, green proportion, yellow proportion, and canopy density had a contribution rate that decreased in turn. When the hue contrast ratio was between 72 and 144, the hue contrast ratio was proportional to the SBE. The yellow proportion and red proportion were basically proportional to the SBE. Canopy density was proportional to the SBE value only when canopy density was between 70%-80%. The integrated green proportion, yellow proportion, red proportion, and hue contrast ratio, from the perspective of the color of the visual experience, built the relationship; while we used the enumeration method to determine that green accounted for 50%-60%, yellow accounted for 0-10%, and red accounted for 30%-40% for the mountain landscape in the optimal color composition model.【Conclusion】The color has a significant influence on the beauty degree, and there were five landscape factors, including the hue contrast ratio, green proportion, yellow proportion, red proportion, and canopy density those had a high correlation with the mountain scenery in the autumn. We obtained a linear evaluation model with high degree of credibility. The green proportion was basically proportional to the SBE value when green accounted for more than 60%.The proportion of yellow and red were basically proportional to the SBE value. The best hue contrast ratio was between 36 to 72. The best canopy density was between 70% to 80%. When integrating the green proportion, yellow proportion, red proportion, and hue contrast ratio, the optimal color composition model occurred when the green components accounted for 50%-60%, yellow component accounted for 0-10%, and red component accounted for 30%-40% in the southwest of the Zhejiang mountain forest from the point of view of the color of the visual experience. Finally, according to the research results, the paper puts forward a management strategy and method of forest facies transformation.
