南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2019, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (01): 111-117.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201801024

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.贵州大学林学院,贵州 贵阳 550025; 2. 贵州省毕节市七星关区林业局,贵州 毕节 551700
  • 出版日期:2019-01-28 发布日期:2019-01-28
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2018-01-15 修回日期:2018-10-25基金项目:贵州省农业科技攻关项目(黔科合NY字[2007]3040号); 贵州省自然科学基金项目(黔科合J字[2007]2059号); 贵州省省长优秀教育人才基金项目(黔省专合字[2006]5号)。 第一作者:吴丽丽(462500540@qq.com),ORCID(0000-0002-4357-8860)。*通信作者:王德炉(1539349567@qq.com),教授,ORCID(0000-0002-9530-4431)。引文格式:吴丽丽,王德炉,李自玉. 土壤水分对贵州小叶苦丁茶产量及品质的影响[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版),2019,43(1):111-117.

Effect of soil moisture on yield and quality of Guizhou small-leaved Kuding tea(Ligustrum robustum)

WU Lili1,2, WANG Delu1*, LI Ziyu1   

  1. 1. College of Forestry, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China; 2. Qixingguan Dicstrict Forestry Bureau of Bijie City, Guizhou Province, Bijie 551700, China
  • Online:2019-01-28 Published:2019-01-28

摘要: 【目的】贵州小叶苦丁茶具有较高的经济价值,探究其产量以及品质对不同土壤水分的响应特征,找出适宜贵州小叶苦丁茶植株(粗壮女贞)生长的土壤水分范围,为丰富贵州小叶苦丁茶的优质丰产体系提供参考。【方法】以3年生贵州小叶苦丁茶植株(粗壮女贞)实生苗为试验材料,采用盆栽控水的方法,设置6个土壤水分梯度,研究不同土壤含水量对贵州小叶苦丁茶叶片形态及叶片中主要化学成分的影响。【结果】①叶片指标包括叶片数、单叶面积、叶长与叶宽,茶产量指标包括单株发芽数、芽质量、一叶两芽质量、一叶四芽质量均在土壤相对含水率为85%时达到最高,各指标在70%~100%的含水率处理间并无差异。②植株死亡率随着土壤含水率降低而升高。③可溶性糖、水浸出物、茶多酚、游离氨基酸、总黄酮、茶皂素含量随着土壤相对含水率减小均呈先升高后降低趋势,土壤相对含水率≤55%时,可溶性糖、茶多酚、游离氨基酸、总黄酮、茶皂素含量均降低。【结论】适宜贵州小叶苦丁茶植株(粗壮女贞)栽培且获得最佳产量和品质的土壤相对含水率范围为70%~85%。

Abstract: 【Objective】 Guizhou small-leaved Kuding tea(Ligustrum robustum)originates from the fresh leaves of Ligustrum robustum(Rxob.)Blume, which has been one of the major substitute tea drinks in our country. At present, the development of Guizhou small-leaved Kuding tea as a health beverage has been very extensive. Therefore, Guizhou small-leaved Kuding tea is recognized as being of high economical value and developmental prospect. Soil moisture is the main source of plant physiological and ecological water supply. Soil moisture content and change have a direct impact on plant growth, development and yield. Therefore, the appropriate range of soil moisture is of great significance to the improvement of yield and quality of Guizhou small-leaved Kuding tea. The purpose of this research was to determine yield and quality corresponding to different soil moisture levels and the soil moisture range that is optimal for the yield and growth of Guizhou small-leaved Kuding tea. 【Method】 Three-year-old L. robustum seedlings were grown as experimental material using the potted water control method. The experimental seedlings were subjected to six water gradients for an experimental period of 90 days. At the end of treatment, the light green leaf buds of L. robustum were selected for quality indicator determination(i.e., soluble sugar, flavonoids, tea polyphenols, free amino acids, water extracts and tea saponin). The bud leaf was selected for yield indicator determination(i.e., leaf area, length and width). Leaf area per plant was determined with the scanning method. Yield indicators measurements followed the method of graded picking to explore the effects of different soil moisture content on leaf morphology and the main chemical components of Guizhou small-leaved Kuding tea. 【Result】① Leaf indexes(i.e., leaf number, single leaf area, leaf length and leaf width)and tea production indexes(i.e., germination number per plant, bud weight, weight of 1 leaf with 2 buds, and weight of 1 leaf with 4 buds)were the highest when the relative soil moisture content was 85%, whereas no significant differences were observed among indexes in the 70%-100% soil moisture content treatment range. Mortality rates increased with decreasing moisture content. Concentrations of soluble sugars, water extract, tea polyphenols, free amino acids, total flavonoids and tea saponin all increased at first and then decreased with decreasing relative soil moisture content. Concentrations of soluble sugars, tea polyphenols, free amino acids, total flavonoids, and tea saponin all decreased when the relative moisture content of the soil was less than 55%. 【Conclusion】 When the relative water content of the soil remained stable in the range of 70%-85%, the contents of amino acids, tea polyphenols, soluble sugars, flavonoids, and tea saponin, which reflect the quality of Guizhou small-leaved Kuding tea, increased significantly, and the yield and germination ability followed the same trend. However, the plants of Guizhou small-leaved Kuding tea suffered water stress(when relative water content of soil was low)at 40%, and the physiological functions of leaves were seriously inhibited. This led to a decrease in the quality and yield of Guizhou small-leaved Kuding tea, which was not conducive to its growth. The above shows that in the production practice, it is of great significance to keep the soil moisture in a suitable range through rational irrigation and water supply to obtain high yield and quality of Guizhou small-leaved Kuding tea. Therefore, to obtain the best yield and quality, and considering effective use of water, 70%-85% relative soil water content, i.e., 28.4%-34.5% soil water content should be used as the water supply range for cultivation of Guizhou small-leaved Kuding tea.
