南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2019, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (01): 1-8.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201805018

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


李昌荣1,陈健波1,郭东强1,翁启杰2,卢翠香1,李建凡3,周 维1*,甘四明2*   

  1. 1.广西壮族自治区林业科学研究院,广西 南宁 530002; 2.中国林业科学研究院热带林业研究所,广东 广州 510520; 3.玉林市林业科学研究所,广西 玉林 537501
  • 出版日期:2019-01-28 发布日期:2019-01-28
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2018-05-05 修回日期:2018-08-11基金项目:广西林业科技项目(桂林科研[2015]第6号,桂林科字[2014]第04号); 广西创新驱动发展资金项目(桂科AA17204087-3); 广西主要用材林资源高效培育与利用人才小高地专项(桂人社函[2018]112)。 第一作者:李昌荣(andyharry@126.com),高级工程师。*通信作者:周维(77543713@qq.com),教授级高级工程师,负责文章框架审定,ORCID(0000-0002-3114-5160); 甘四明(siming_gan@126.com),研究员,负责指导实验与文章构思,ORCID(0000-0001-6677-9860)。引文格式:李昌荣,陈健波,郭东强,等. 锯材大花序桉生长和材性的综合指数选择[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版),2019,43(1):1-8.

Comprehensive index selection on superior growth and wood properties of Eucalyptus cloeziana for saw timber

LI Changrong1, CHEN Jianbo1, GUO Dongqiang1, WENG Qijie2, LU Cuixiang1, LI Jianfan3, ZHOU Wei1*, GAN Siming2*   

  1. 1.Guangxi Forestry Research Institute, Nanning 530002, China; 2.Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, CAF, Guangzhou 510520, China; 3.Yulin Forestry Research Institute, Yulin 537501, China
  • Online:2019-01-28 Published:2019-01-28

摘要: 【目的】大花序桉是锯材培育的潜力树种,以锯材利用为选育目标,生产选择出生长和材质兼优的大花序桉种源和家系。【方法】以广西玉林市林科所9.5年生的大花序桉种源/家系试验林为研究材料,采用Smith-Hazel综合指数选择法对胸径(D)、树高(H)、单株材积(V)、生材密度(ρGD)、基本密度(ρBD)、抗弯弹性模量(EMOE)、抗弯强度(σMOR)和顺纹抗压强度(σc)进行多性状综合选择。【结果】D、H、V、ρGD、ρBD、 EMOE、σMOR和σc平均值分别为20.6 cm、20.0 m、0.307 m3、1.109 g/cm3、0.659 g/cm3、14.7 GPa、158.2 MPa和63.3 MPa。生长和材性性状种源间差异极显著,种源内家系间差异显著。生长性状间呈极显著的遗传正相关,生长性状与材性间呈负的遗传相关,材性性状间呈正的遗传相关。胸径对单株材积间接选择效率达174.3%,基本密度对其他材性性状的间接选择呈正向效应。多性状综合指数法选出较好的种源为南部近沿海种源。【结论】9.5年生的大花序桉木材力学性能跟家具用高级木材紫檀属的相似。大花序桉生长性状对材性性状间接选择效果不好,基本密度对其他材性性状的间接选择效果较好。多性状综合指数法可以选择出部分生长和材质兼优的家系。

Abstract: 【Objective】 Eucalyptus cloeziana is one of the most promising Eucalyptus species for high-value solid wood production and a saw timber breeding objective has been developed for southern China. The purpose of this research was to select provenances and families with superior growth and wood properties.【Method】 The 9.5 year-old provenance/family testing forest of E. cloeziana was used as the research materials. The E. cloeziana testing forest was comprised of 115 open-pollinated families of 17 provenances were planted at the Yulin Forestry Research Institute(110°09’E, 22°39’N), Guangxi Province, China in May 2004. The progeny seeds were provided by the Australian Tree Seed Centre(Canberra, Australia). The trial was laid out in randomized complete blocks along the contours, with 30 replicates of single tree plots. Wood mechanical properties at 9.5 years of age, including basic density(ρBD), green density(ρGD), modulus of elasticity in static bending(EMOE), modulus of rupture(σMOR), and compressive strength parallel to grain(σc)were measured using near-infrared(NIR)spectroscopy. Multi-trait selection incorporated tree height(H), diameter at breast height(D), individual tree volume(V), ρGD, ρBD, EMOE, σMOR and σc using the Smith-Hazel index selection procedure. 【Results】 The trial averages for D, H, V, ρGD, ρBD, EMOE, σMOR and σc were 20.6 cm, 20.0 m, 0.307 m3, 1.109 g/cm3, 0.659 g/cm3, 14.7 GPa, 158.2 MPa and 63.3 MPa, respectively. Growth and wood properties exhibited significant differences among provenances(P < 0.01)and among families within a provenance(P < 0.05). The significant genetic variation for these traits indicated the strong potential for genetic improvement through selection at both provenance and family levels. Genetic correlations were significantly positive between growth traits and were not different from zero between wood properties. The additive genetic correlations were not significantly negative between D and ρBD, but were extremely significantly negative between D and EMOE, ρGD and σMOR, and significantly negative between D and σc. The genetic advance of D direct selection was 410.2% and the effect of D direct selection was the best. The indirect selection efficiency of D to V was 174.3%, and the indirect selection of ρBD to other wood properties was positive. ρBD to σc had the highest selection efficiency. The superior provenances selected using index selection were from the southern coastal area of the native range of the species in Australia. 【Conclusion】 The wood mechanical properties of 9.5 year-old E. cloeziana were similar to that of Pterocarpus L., which is a well-known high-value timber used for the production of furniture. The additive genetic correlations were negatively significant between growth traits and wood mechanical traits, posing a challenge for concomitant improvement of growth and wood traits. The indirect selection effect of growth to wood properties was small, whereas ρBD had a favorable indirect selection effect with other wood properties. Trees could be selected using the comprehensive index selection method to identify a production population that would provide seed with inherently superior growth and wood properties required to develop high-value forest products.
