南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1979, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (07): 156-159.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1979.07.019

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    



  • 出版日期:1979-12-20 发布日期:1979-12-20

An isozyme analysis of Tulip-tree hybrids (Liriodendron Chinese X L. tulipifera)

Huang Minren Chen Daoming   

  • Online:1979-12-20 Published:1979-12-20

摘要: <正>近年来国外在林木遗传育种研究中,对同工酶的研究日益增多,进展较快。在无性系鉴别(酒井宽一,1974),种子园的家系分析(Dag Rudin and Dag lindgren,1977),林木种内杂交及杂种后代的遗传分析(田岛正启,1977)等方面进行了广泛的研究。d.,H。I[oaoaoBA(1978)和Dag Rudin㈠976)对同工酶在林木遗传育种研究中的应用和展望作了评述。随着同工酶遗传基础研究的进一步深入,同工酶将成为林木遗传分析的一种有效手段。 两年来,我们用同工酶鉴定林木杂种,摸索同工酶与林木杂种优势的关系,试图预测林木杂种优势。现将部分试验结果报告如下。

Abstract: The application of the isozyme technique for study in discrimination of tulip-tree hybrids was discussed in this paper. The results obtained from isozyme analysis pointed out that the patterns of gel electrophoresis of two parental trees were quite different from each other, both of the parental zymograms were reappeared in the gels of hybrid progenies with some additional hybrid bands. It is evident that the genetic bases of the two parental trees are complemental and the heterosis of progenks of Liriodendron chinescs X L. tulipifera are relatively strong. This was also proved by field test.