南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1981, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (03): 1-21.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1981.03.001

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  1. 南京林产工业学院;南京林产工业学院;福建省洋口林场;福建省洋口林场;福建省洋口林场;福建省洋口林场;福建省洋口林场;福建省官庄林场;福建省官庄林场
  • 出版日期:1981-09-18 发布日期:1981-06-18


Ye Peizhong and Chen Yuewu(Nanjing Technological College of Forest Products)Liu Dalin, Ruan Yichu, Chen Shibin, Guo Muchun and Lin Qiyang(Yanghou Forest Farm, Fujian Province)Zheng Yuhuang ahd Zhou Caigong   

  1. Guanzhuang Forest Farm, Fujian Province
  • Online:1981-09-18 Published:1981-06-18

摘要: <正> 一、前言 杉木配合力育种的研究是从1974年开始的。其目的是:通过子代测定,研究待测亲本的一般配合力(g.c.a)和特殊配合力(s.c.a)的表现,以便对现有种子园进行选优去劣,并为建立多世代种子园提供理论依据;同时,通过对杉木配合力的研究,了解杉木性状受遗传控制的强弱,并估算其有关遗传参数,从而更有效地制定杉木遗传改良程序。本文仅就1974和1975两年的试验结果进行分析和讨论。 二、材料和方法 (一)交配设计 1974年应用析因测定方法,从待测无性系中任意选出4个作测交父本,分别与8个无性系母本进行交配。由于杂交和育苗上的原因,目前有效杂交组合仅有23个(图1)。 1975年,除进行析因设计之外,还应用了全双列和半双列杂交设计。析因设计包括三个测交系父本,分别与36个待测母本交配,现在观测数据完整的有91个组合(图2);半双列

Abstract: A study of the combining ability of diallel crossing of Chinese fir was made in 1974 and 1975. The material for the tests came from a breeding population of plus tree clones, the ortets of which were selected in the Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations in Fujian. Mating plans for the factorial (1974, 1975), half diallel crossing (1975) and diallel crossing (1975) are shown in Figures 1-4. The main results of this study were obtained as follows:1. General combining ability (g. c. a. ), specific combining ability (s. c. a.) and reciprocal effects were highly significant as shown by the T-tests for height growth.2. Both the factorial and the half diallel crossing tests showed that height growth was under some g. c. a. control in C. lanceolata (h2Nl = 0.1 - 0.64, h2NF = 0.77 -- 0.86) The estimates for the g. c. a. of growth traits showed that there are dif: ferences as derived from various parents.3. Specific combining ability (s. c. a.) was also significant in both tests. Specific combining ability values also vary with different combinations of parents.4. As for the 4-year height growth, the tests showed obvious variations in trees of different parental origins, narrow-sense heritabilities of family (0-86) and individual trees (0-35) being very high. Reciprocal effects were significant at this stage in the diallel and half diallel tests, which indicated the presence of the dominant effect.5. The whole series of height measurements (from seedling to 4 yr.) in the diallel, half diallel and factorial tests indicated a progressive change in the formation of genetic control. Figures 8-12 show that s. c. a. effects count for most of the total genetic variance in the seedling stage (34-83%), but they steadily decline with years. On the other hand, the additive effects of g. c. a. steadily increase with years.6- Selfing effects were significant in the dialiel tests. The estimates of the effects of selfing on the height growth indicated that there were differences derived from parents.