南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1981, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (03): 54-69.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1981.03.005

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京林产工业学院竹类研究室
  • 出版日期:1981-09-18 发布日期:1981-06-18


Zhou Fangchun   

  • Online:1981-09-18 Published:1981-06-18

摘要: <正>这篇沦文包括三个部分:样品的采集和处理,测定方法;测定结果。 1.毛竹不同器官的燃烧热量是不同的,但是,竹子的年龄对燃烧热量是没有影响的。毛竹不同器官的燃烧热量为;竹秆4532卡/克,枝条4719卡/克,叶片4203卡/克,鞭和根4286卡/克。 2.不同属种的燃烧热量是不同的:刚竹属4680卡/克,(竹剌)竹属4543卡/克,慈竹属4554卡/克,单竹属4612卡/克,大节竹属4640卡/克,唐竹属4595卡/克,青篱竹属4671卡/克,(竹思)(竹劳)竹属4478卡/克,方竹属4457卡/克,梨竹属4562卡/克。 3.竹子产地对竹材燃烧热量是有影响的,一般来说,竹子生长在高纬度比生长在低纬度含有较多的热量。 4.61种竹材的平均燃烧热量是4603卡/克,43种木材的平均燃烧热量是4776卡/克,其中针叶树种是4949卡/克,阔叶树种是4750卡/克。

Abstract: The thermal energy on the earth’s surface mainly comes from the sun. As green plants produce organic matter, it store up energy. A green plant is not only "a factory of organic matter, " but also "a storehouse of energy". According to the law of conservation of energy, the value oi’ stored the energy of a green plant is equal to the thermal energy it releases through combustion. In light of this theory, we measured the calorific values of 104 species of bamboos and timbers (61 species of bamboos and 43 species of timbers) with a caloriemeter. The samples were collected from 17 areas of 10 provinces in China from 1972 to 1978.This paper consists of three parts: the collection and preparation of the samples, the methods of measurements and the results.The results of the measurements show:1. Calorific values differ with various parts of the bamboo, and its age has nothing to do with calorie values. The calorie values stored in different organs of the plant are as follows: culm 4532 cal./g., branch 4719 ca]./g., leaf 4203 cal./g., rhizome and root 4286 cal./g.2. Calorie values also vary with different genera; Phyllostachys 4680 cal./g., Bambusa 4544 cal./g., Sinocalamus 4554 cal./g., Lingnania 4612 cal./g., Indosasa 4640 cal./g., Sinobambusa 4595 cal./g., Arundinaria 4671 cal./g., Scliizostachyum 4478 cal./g., Chimonobambusa 4457 cal./g., and Melocanna 4562 cal./g.3. The amount of thermal energy per unit mass is influenced by the locality where the bamboo grow. Generally, bamboos growing at higher altitudes contain more thermal energy than those growing at lower altitudes.4. The average calorie value of 61 bamboo species is 4603 cal./g. The average calorie value of 43 timber species is 4775 cal./g., conifers being 4949 cal./g. and broadleaved trees being 4750 cal./g.