南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1983, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (04): 156-159.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1983.04.014

• 研究简报 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京林产工业学院;南京林产工业学院;岳阳地区林科所
  • 出版日期:1983-12-18 发布日期:1983-08-18


Tang Zuting & Qian Dazheng(Nanjing Technological College of Forest Products)Zhou Jianlin   

  1. Forestry Research Institute of Yueyang, Hunan Province
  • Online:1983-12-18 Published:1983-08-18

摘要: <正> 松蚧属Matsucoccus是为害松树枝干、针叶一类的害虫,我国已见报道为害枝干的蚧虫有5种,即日本松干蚧M.matsumurae Kuwana、马尾松干蚧M.massonianae Young et Wu、海松干蚧M.koraiensis Young et Wu、云南松干蚧M.yunnanensis Ferris和樟子松干蚧M.dahuriensis Hu et Hu,其中以日本松干蚧分布最广,为害最甚,在我国沿海的辽宁、山东、江苏、上海、浙江等省市的50个县市已成片发生。该虫在江、浙一带主要为害马尾松;在辽宁、山东主要为害汕松及赤松,还能为害千头赤松、垂枝赤松、台湾松及黑松。自五十年代以来,我同的林业工作者已对该虫进行研究,并用多种手段进行了试验性防治,获到了一定效果。 日本松干蚧的传播途径有两个方面。

Abstract: Pine bast scale(PBS), Matsuccccus matsumurae (Kuwana) (Homoptera: Margarodi-dae) is one of the most serious destructive pests of Pinus massoniana Lamb. The distance of wind dispersal of PBS was observed in May 1981 in Mei Yuan Park in Wuxi, Kiangsu. At the peak period of crawlers (1st. instar nymphs), the aerial dis persal was observed with glass slides (76×26mm) lightly coated on one side with petrolatum or cotton. It was placed in the crevises of branches on the top of the broad leaf trees ca. 4m above ground and in openings downwind from the infested forest (5-500m).The exposed slides were examined under 25 × magnification to identify crawlers per day. During the period of study, wind average speed was l-4m/sec.In this study, 326 crawlers (including 75 dead crawlers) and 60 eggs were caught respectively. Numbers of crawlers captured per slide were decreased rapidly away from the edge of the stand. The aireal dispersal of crawlers was observed on one trap at distanceas far as 500m. The wind dispersal crawlers of PBS may be regarded as the main way of the pest distribution in short distance,