南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1984, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (01): 60-67.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1984.01.006

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  1. 南京林学院林化系;南京林学院林化系;南京林学院林化系;南京林学院林化系
  • 出版日期:1984-03-18 发布日期:1984-02-18


Li Zhongzheng, Yao Guangyu, Zhang Datong & Xue Guoxin   

  1. Department of Chemical Processing of Forest Products
  • Online:1984-03-18 Published:1984-02-18

摘要: <正>一、前言 碱性亚硫酸钠制浆方法使用氢氧化钠和亚硫酸钠为蒸煮液。其优点是:纸浆得率高,易漂白,纸浆的强度性能与硫酸盐浆相接近,并且不会产生硫酸盐蒸煮及回收系统所散发的恶臭硫化物,等等。因此,近年来国内外采用碱性亚硫酸钠制浆方法,对针阔叶木、芦竹、麦草等进行了一些试验研究。 碱性亚硫酸钠法蒸煮温度一般要比硫酸盐法高10—15℃,化学品用量也要高20%(或者蒸煮时间延长5倍)。最近发现,蒽醌在碱性亚硫酸钠法蒸煮中具有加速脱木素催化作用,因此,上述缺点可以通过添加蒽醌来弥补。 本试验以意大利杨木为原料,研究了碱性亚硫酸钠一蒽醌法制浆条件及其对浆质量和得率的影响规律。

Abstract: In this paper. alkaline sulfite-anthraquinone (AS-AQ) pulping of Italian poplars was studied. The AS-AQ cooking liquor contains mostly sodium sulfite and sodium hydroxide. Results of the test indicate that the optimum ratio of sodium sulfite to the total alkali (all calculated as sodium oxide) is 0.85; the total amount of alkali is 18.6% (calculated as sodium oxide) and of anthraquinone 0.1%, with the ratio of liquor to chips being 4:1. The pulping time required at maximum temperature (175°C) is 220 minutes. The results of the cooking tests show that the total pulp yield is 57-60%, (in comparison with conventronal kraft pulp, yield of pulp is 6-8% higher) and a kappa number 40. Because of the mild pulping conditions and high pentosan contents of pulp, the brightness of unbleached pulp is higher and bleachability of pulp is also better. The breaking length of AS-AQ pulp handsheet is 8410m, its burst factor 60, its tear factor 72 and the folding strength 1498 (double folds). The properties of the physical-Mechanical strength of AS-AQ poplar pulp are equal to or slightly higher than those of kraft poplar pulp with the exception of a slightly lower tear factor. Therefore, AS-AQ pulping is regarded as a better process to produce high yield chemical pulp.