南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1984, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (01): 124-130.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1984.01.012

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京林学院林学系;南京林学院林学系
  • 出版日期:1984-03-18 发布日期:1984-02-18


Jiang Shu & Ye Jianguo   

  1. Department of Forestry
  • Online:1984-03-18 Published:1984-02-18

摘要: <正>1、杉木(Cunninghamia Lanceolata)和柳杉(Cryptomeria Janponica)大、小孢子的发育时间不同,柳杉早于杉木,两者花期也不一致。 2、电镜扫描发现,杉木、柳杉及其杂种的花粉粒在形态、大小以及突起等方面各不相同。 3、在人工授粉条件下,柳杉花粉能大量滞留在杉木的珠孔内,并在杉木的珠心中正常发育。 4、杉木的胚珠从接受柳杉花粉粒起至“杂种种子”的形成,大约需八个月的时间·在南京地区,3月底授粉,4—6月中旬雌、雄配子体发育,6月上、中旬受精,6月下旬起原胚发育,7月下旬后胚早期分化,9月上旬起胚分化完全,11月份采种。各阶段发育正常。 5、从有性生殖过程的发育时间及形态特征看,“杂种”与杉木极为相似,且具有杉科胚胎发育的一般特征,说明两者在其亲缘关系上十分相近。我们认为,杉木与柳杉的杂交是可能的。

Abstract: The course of sexual reproduction of Chinese fir × Cryptomeria (Cunninghamia lanceolata × Cryptomeria fortunei) is systematically reported in this paper. The observations are summarized as follows.1 . Chinese fir is different from Cryptomeria in development time of the megaspore and the microspore. Cryptomeria flowers earlier than Chinese fir, thus their flowering seasons are different.2 . It has been found that the pollen grains of Chinese fir and Cryptomeria and those of their hybrid (Cunninghamia lanceolata×Cryptomeria fortunei) are different in shape, size and convex under the scanning electron microscope.3. Most of the pollen grans of the Cryptomeria are able to stay at the micropyle of Chinese fir and they can develop to normal in the nucellus of Chinese fir under controlled pollination.4. It takes the ovule of Chinese fir eight months from receiving the grains of Cryptomeria to forming hybrid seeds. In Nanjing Chinese fir is pollinated in the last ten days of March and the gametophytes develop from April to the middle of June. In the first or second ten days of June, it is fertilized. The proembryo begins to develop in the last ten days of June, and early differentiation of the late embryo is in the last ten days of July. The embryo matures in early September and the seeds are collected in November. Each phase of development is normal.5. The development stages and morphological characters of the hybridized embryo are very similar to those of Chinese fir in sexual reproduction. It possesses the general characters of the embryo development in Taxodiaceae. This shows that both of the species are close in consanguinity and that the outbreeding has been believed to be successful between Cunninghamia and Cryptomeria,