南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1989, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (01): 54-63.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1989.01.007

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京林业大学林学系;南京林业大学林学系
  • 出版日期:1989-03-18 发布日期:1989-02-18

A STUDY ON THE SPLENDID KNOT-ORN MOTH, (Dioryctria rubella Hampson)

Tian Hengde Yan Aojing   

  1. Department of Forestry
  • Online:1989-03-18 Published:1989-02-18

摘要: <正>微红梢斑螟(Dioryctria rubella Hampson),是松类梢果重要害虫,分布全国,幼虫钻蛀主梢及球果,在南京每年发生2~3代,以幼虫在枯梢及树皮伤口内越冬,次年5月转移为害当年新梢。成由于6至8月出现,生活史不整齐。本文报道各虫期生物学、生态学特性及防治试验结果,并讨论了防治策略问题。

Abstract: Dioryctria rubella Hampson is an important pest of the larger pine. It is widely distributed in China. There are two~three generatios a year in Nanjing. The larvae are borers which infest shoots of pines, and overwinter in the tunnels of dried shoots. The adult emerges from July to August the next year and lay its eggs in the needle of dried shoots. It is most active in the evening and responds positively toward a source of light. Both mating and ovipositing occur in the evening. The effective control measures for this pest are: Silvicultural measures including cutting off and clearing away the infested shoots. Natural enemies should also be protected and utilized;Tests results showed that the best chemical control was destroying adults by spraying with Fenitrothion;