南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1989, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (03): 17-22.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1989.03.003

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京林业大学林学系
  • 出版日期:1989-09-18 发布日期:1989-06-18


Zheng Hanye   

  1. Department of Forestry
  • Online:1989-09-18 Published:1989-06-18

摘要: <正>用杆菌液喷洒松干蚧后期卵囊后,经12~72小时孵化的,杆菌可侵入消化道,并形成孢子。这些松干蚧孵化后经过一段期间,潜伏在消化道的杆菌孢子变为营养体,分泌毒素先溶解细胞膜,再溶解细胞核膜。破坏肠道、侵入体腔的杆菌,传播到身体各处。破坏组织顺序为:结缔组织、脂肪体、肌肉、神经等。由于在肛门附近也先发现杆菌,并因消化道经肛门至外界并无阻隔,据信杆菌在其胚胎末期是经由肛门侵入消化道的,并有一明显潜伏期。用杆菌液喷洒已孵化5小时的松干蚧若虫(爬行若虫)虫体,在湿度很高甚至积水情况下,杆菌可侵入气管系统,并分泌毒素溶化部分气管壁,进入体腔。较快促使其致病。据信由于湿度大或积水使其气门开放而让杆菌有机会侵入气管系统。

Abstract: By using the electronic microscopic (TEM) method, studies of the patho-genicity of Bacillus thuringiensis var. galleriac strain matsucoccosae against Malsucoeeus matsumurae were carried out in 1987~1988 in our university. Spray the bacterium suspension (6~10) x 108/ml,to the egg-sac of the coccid 12~72hours before hatch, the bacterium have been found in the digestive tract of the coccid in spore stage (Plate I .1). The microvillus and cell membrane of the mid-gut cells have been dissolved by the toxin secreted by the bacterium, only some of the intra-connections between cells left, Coccids in the control groups sprayed with free-germ water are normal (Plate I: 2), Beginning from 48~72 hours after their hatch, some of the bacterium spores in the digestive tract turned into vegetative form and penetrated into the body coelom of the coccid in the bacterium treated groups (Plate I . 3 ; Plate Ⅱ. 1 ) The secreted toxin dissolved the membranes of the cell nuclei (Plate Ⅱ. 2 ) , But those in control groups are normal (Plate Ⅱ: 3). After that, a series of tissues inside the coccid would be destroyed. The order is as follows: connective tissues, fat body (Platel. 4 ), and normal (Plate Ⅱ, 5), muscles and nerve cells. Since some of the baeterium were found near the anus of the coccid and no partition would appear between the digestive tract and the outside through the anus Of the coccid, therefore, the bacterium may penetrate into the coccid through the anus to the digestive tract in the late stage of embryo. The bacterium may have a dormant period in spore stage in the digestive tract.Spray the bacterium suspensions directly to the crawlers of the coccid, no bacteria has been found inside the body except some of those crawlers in high moisture or immersed in bacterium suspension for some time, the bacterium and their parasporal inclusions have been found in the respiratory system, tracheae, (Plate Ⅱ, 6 ),