南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1995, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (02): 67-72.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1995.02.013

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京林业大学电镜室
  • 出版日期:1995-06-18 发布日期:1995-04-18


Zhou Shiguo; Gan Xihua; Jiang Li   

  1. Electron Microscope Laboratory Nanjing Forestry University Nanjing 210037
  • Online:1995-06-18 Published:1995-04-18

摘要: <正>应用扫描电镜研究了竹杆锈病病原菌(Stereostratumcorticioides)孢子的形成、病组织中菌丝分布和危害性。观察发现竹杆锈病病原菌的夏孢子开始产生时仅是产孢细胞顶端的囊状膨大,表面光滑无疣,随着夏孢子的发育成熟,表面开始出现疣状突起,最后发育成为小刺状突起。冬孢子堆中最初形成的一层冬孢子柄短而粗,以后产生的冬孢子柄细而长。冬孢子堆和夏孢子堆最初是埋生在角质层和1至2层表皮细胞下,最后突破表皮细胞层和角质层而外露。病组织中病原菌菌丝仅在寄主胞间隙中扩展,并不进入寄主细胞内,而仅以吸器形式进入寄主薄壁细胞和筛管中吸取营养。竹杆锈病的发生只能引起竹杆表皮细胞的坏死,并不能引起整株竹子枯死。而竹杆锈病的发生所造成的伤口却为后期病原菌提供了侵入和定殖的场所,这种后期病原菌的定殖和生长可能是导致病斑以上竹子枯死的主要原因。

Abstract: The sporulation of the pethogen and the distribution of the pathgen hyphae in the diseased tissue and the damage caused by bsmboo culm rust (Stereostratum corticioides) were investigated by using scanning electron microscopes. The main results are as follows: 1. The initial urediospore is a saccate swell of the top of sporogenous cell; there are no warts on the surface; with the development of urediospore, there appear many little warts on its surface and finally the warts become little spiny protuberance. The stalks of the early layer teliospores in the telium are short and thick while the teliospores formed later are long and thin. The uredinia and telia are formed under the cuticle and under one or two layers of epidermal cells, then they break through the epidermal tissue and expose in the air finally. 2. The hyphae can extend in the intercellular space and form infection filamentS which can enter the parenchyma and sieve cells through the holes of the cell wall and then develop into haustoria. 3. The bamboo culm rust only results in the necrosis of the epidermal tissue, but does not destroy the diseased bamboo. The wounds resulted from the formation of the uredinia and telia of the rust provide the locations for later patbogen to infect and grow, and the parasitization and growth of the later pathogen lead to the death of the diseased bamboo.