南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1998, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (04): 60-62.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1998.04.012

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院
  • 出版日期:1998-12-18 发布日期:1998-08-18


Wang Xianrong Xiang Qibai   

  1. College of Resources and Environment Nanjing Forestry University Nanjing 210037
  • Online:1998-12-18 Published:1998-08-18

摘要: <正>在鉴定了樱属大量标本和查阅大量文献的基础上,对CerasusclaviculataYuetLi进行了考证,确定其为C.dolichadenia(Card.)X.R.WangetShang的晚出异名,并发现红山樱C.jamasakura(Sieb.exKoidz.)X.R.WangetShang在中国的新分布,将钟花樱C.cerasoidesvar.campanulata(Koidz.X.R.WangetShang)重新组合为变种。

Abstract: In present paper,a new distribution area is reported,C.claviculata Yu et Li is examined to be a synonym of C.dilichadenia(Card.)X.R.Wang et Shang, and C.cerasoides var.campanulata(Koidz.)X.R.Wang et Shang was newly combined.(1).Cerasus dolichadenia(Card.)X.R.Wang et Shang,comb.nov.In Flora of China,there are no records about Prunus dolichdenia Card.,but based on the type and description,Cerasus claviculata Yu et Li pubulished in 1985 by Prof. Yu and Li is examined to be the same species as Prunus dolichadenia Card.,the same characters are:long-stick glands on leaf,stipule and bracts margine; flowers opening with leaves; petal being 1/3 long of calyx. Moreover Shanxi and Shaaxi,the distribution area of C.claviculata Yu et Li, is linked by Shaanxi to Sichuan province (the type locality of Prunus dolichadenia Card.),So Cerasus claviculata Yu et Li is a synonym of Prunus dolichadenia Card.(2).Cerasus jamasakura (Sieb.ex Koidz.)X.R.Wang et Shang,comb.nov.This species is similar to Cerasus serrulata Lindl.and usually named as the same species,but the difference from C.serrulata Lindl.is outstanding:young leaves green-brown to reddishbrown, teeth shallower; calyx,petal and pedicel purplish-red; calyx long-tube,petal only 1/3 long of calyx. So this species is distinghished from C.serrulata Lindl.easily.And Prunus pseudo-cerasus,spontanea Maxim. combined as Prunus serrulata var.spontanea(Maxim.)by Wilson(1916), is a synonym of this species.Moreover this species distribution is usually considered in Japan.But the new records in Fujian and Jiangxi province are found in China.(3).Cerasus cerasoides (D.Don)var. campanulata(Koidz.)X.R.Wang et Shang,comb.nov.Prunus campanulata Maxim.was first described by Maximowicz in 1883,in 1910 was reduced as the variety P.cerasoides var. campanulata Koidz.(1910),but later it was changed over and over again. In Flora of China,it was as Cerasus campanulata(Maxim.)Yu et Li(1985).This variety is very closely related to C.cerasoides D.Don,the main diffirence from C.cerasoides D.Don is blooming before leaves,but the early or late blooming in this Genus is changable with the varied climate.C.cerasoides D.Don blooming before leaves also in lower elevation sometimes. So we think that C.campanulata Maxim. reduced as the variety of C.cerasoides D.Don is reasonable.