南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1999, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (04): 74-75.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1999.04.017

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  1. 浙江林业学校;浙江龙泉市林科所
  • 出版日期:1999-08-18 发布日期:1999-08-18

Comparison of Plantations Established by Seedings and Clones of Chinese fir

Author Hu Bozhi\ Li Rongliang (Zhejiang Forestry School\ Lishui\ 323000) Feng Jianguo   

  1. Forest Research Institute of Longquan City
  • Online:1999-08-18 Published:1999-08-18

摘要: <正>杉木优良家系的实生苗与扦插苗造林对比经13年的试验表明,相同家系实生繁殖苗与扦插繁殖苗造林后的生长、材性表现基本一致,没有明显差异,而且性状变异系数也相近。由此说明,利用优良家系的种苗,采用扦插繁殖的无性系苗木造林,其优良性状能获得保持。

Abstract: Results of 13year on comparison of plantation using seedlings of superior families and clones originating from the same families in Camnihghamia lanceodate were reported. Seedlings and Clones of the some family perform similarly in both growth and wood quality with similar variation coefficients. It indiated that good performance of elite families can be obtained through clonal propagation. On the other hard, no newborn gain can be obtained through clonal propagation itself. Only through clonal seleclion shall be able to obtaine newborn gain.\=
