南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2005, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (03): 73-76.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2005.03.019

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  1. 南京林业大学木材工业学院, 江苏 南京 210037
  • 出版日期:2005-06-18 发布日期:2005-06-18

The Relationship Between Synthetical Technics and Performance Target of Modified UF Resin Adhesive

HAN Shu-guang, WU Yu-fei   

  1. College of Wood Science and Technology Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
  • Online:2005-06-18 Published:2005-06-18

摘要: <正>研究了沙质地沿海防护林优良适生树种木麻黄、湿地松和厚荚相思的生长特性及生态适应性。结果表明,立地类型与林分生长关系十分密切,泥炭性风积沙土最适宜这3个树种生长,水化性风积沙土和不均一性风积沙土相对不利于这3个树种生长。木麻黄、湿地松和厚荚相思在沿海沙质地的生长表现及对环境的适应性各有优劣,林木生长速度表现为厚英相思最快,木麻黄次之,湿地松较慢;抗强风能力则是湿地松最好,木麻黄次之,厚英相思较弱;海岸前沿耐潮湿海风能力表现为木麻黄最好,厚英相思次之,湿地松较差。木麻黄目前仍然是沿海防护林海岸前沿不可替代的造林树种,湿地松抗风能力最强,而厚荚相思最能适应沿海沙质地干旱瘠薄的恶劣立地条件且生长迅速,对土壤改良效果良好。

Abstract: The experiment compares variational direction of performance target with different synthetical technics of modified UF resin,and the effects of different synthetical technics on agglutination performance. According to results of experiment, the reduced pH value of additive reaction can be propitious to performance target of modified UF resin. The increased temperature of additive reaction can improve general performance of modified UF resin, it is the same as the medium time of additive reaction. The decreased pH value of polycondensation reactions have good effects on performance target of modified UF resin except storage life. Higher or lower temperature of polycondensation reaction has no advantage of allround properties. The changes of initial molar ratio can affect storage life clearly, the higher initial molar ratio the longer storage life. Formaldehyde emission increases as initial molar ratio reduces.
